Dogs of ACC

I have a farm dog. His name is Bru. He is the biggest and most well tempered collie we’ve had. He is, however, shockingly poor at rounding up cows.

He lacks the collie instinct of getting behind a herd and driving them, instead preferring to run straight at them and making them scatter. His most favouritist game, is get behind a cow, bite its tail and hold on for as long as you can or until it poos on you.

He does possess a series of really useful features. He has some weird sense of being able to tell the difference between a delivery van and a van owned by members of the traveling community who may have been recceing the farm and/or looking for scrap metal. He also reacts appropriately to each.

He is also very good at hunting moles and will actively dig them out.

He is also good at putting paw prints in wet concrete, upsetting farm cats and catching red kites by their tail feathers.


talking of dogs named after orange soft drinks… my Sqn OC when I was a cadet had a German Shepherd called Tango, because “you know when you’ve been …”

(those of a certain age will be able to complete that phrase! :laughing: )

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Certain age? Not that long ago they were still running those ads!

Got a picce in a box somewhere, but would take ages to dig out…

On my Victor tanker sqn, my co-pilot had a gorgeous collie called Miffi. She would do lots of tricks & was very much a favourite when we were duty crew.

My 2 favourites:

“Miffi, would you rather be a navigator or be dead?” Dog would roll on her back!

“Miffi, what do you really think of navigators?” Dog would jump onto one the low /square coffee tables in
the crew room & bark her head off!


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This is Boo, the office dog at the Airfield

(Took bloody ages to get this photo)


This boy is so photogenic


I would like this multiple times if I could.

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Not sure how I missed this thread originally, but here’s my (increasingly greying) little man.


I took this hairy monster to the beach today :dog: :heart_eyes:


Me and Shooby Doo headed up to Llyn Idwal


And up Tryfan?! :mountain:

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Soon! She’s only just over a year, so getting her used to hill days at lower level, but her balance is good, and seems to not want to jump off cliffs so that’s a positive!


We didn’t take this one on the full Yorkshire 3 Peaks, but she’s done Whernside and (in these pictures) Pen Y Ghent.

And yes, you’re goddamn right I’m using my whippet on social media to ingratiate the sqn with the new commandant who has two of them!


I saw a friend who took his Ragdoll cat hill walking the other day. Combination of lead and harness and a papoose

Something to make everyone smile on this ridiculously hot day! This little chap came to live with us two weeks ago.

He’s currently fast asleep cuddled up to a frozen ‘hot’ water bottle in a zebra cover! If only I could join him, I’m melting :hot_face:


Oh. My. God that’s cute

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:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: beautiful boy!

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I think I speak for everyone when I say; we need to know his name.

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He is called Theo and is 10-weeks old today.
Owner of needle like teeth who has discovered that it’s great fun to hang off his older brothers ears :roll_eyes:

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Hi Theo :heart:

In other news, this good girl passed her Therapy Dog assessment with a perfect score on Monday.

We can now go and volunteer in a range of places and let her do what she does best - get attention!