Digital Reserves

The Parent Service has stood up a Digital capability within the Reserves.

There is a news story about it here:

The Army has been doing this for a while.

Given many of our cadets have technical and IT leanings, is it something we could signpost? And could they be a resource we could draw on for our own digital transformation?

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It’s been going on for a little while now; I believe this is a part of the JCRUs.

For candidates with the right skills and experiences, they’re forgoing some of the usual entry requirements to get them on board. Which makes sense, because if you ever see someone from cyber on the front-lines the war is likely already lost.

I know someone who’s a part of one of the quieter units, and is badged to the RAF.


I thought so but it looks like it is a separate thing from a bit of desk research.

@Ben_Wakefield can you add?

My understanding is that the RAF Digital Reserves are their own unit, currently being supported by Army Digital Reserves as they become more established. I am attending an event later in the year where I hope to find out more.

It doesn’t look like it is yet an advertised reservist opportunity on the RAF Recruitment website.

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And I suspect that they will have far more important work to undertake rather than focusing on the RAFAC and its IT requirement.

Yeah it’s modelled directly from the Army SGIS within the Royal Signals.

This new group ie the RAF Digital Reserves are not connected with the Joint Cyber Reserves it’s a total different scope from each other although may be some cross overs.

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Forgot to add you can apply directly as there is they have a e-mail account for recruitment enquiries if you have access to MODNet.

The gent that is running the organisation is an S02 John Nicholson

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We’ve been briefed it will be ‘virtual unit’ utilising JPANs from across various GSS sqns.