DCMS Youth Sector Review questionnaire

Has anyone come across this?

It seems to be linked to the Treasury’s rapid review of youth policies:

I have been sent a link to a questionnaire for young people themselves to fill out (but by another organisation, so I can’t share it here).

The NYA has a consultation pack too.

Is the RAFAC taking part in this? The deadline is soon, and I’ve not seen any Comms about it.

Knowing NYA, theyll want as many people as possible to take part so as to leverage some actual traction from HMG for youth services.

I was at a webinar with them looking at their new objectives last week. It’s ambitious. And involved £1.2billion which nobody actually has right now.

The only real tangible quick fix was to have an actual youth minister and bringing back the annual audit of youth provision. Although that was sketchy as it was never approached holistically across all youth provision - it very much focused on LA and “special providers”.

Local uniformed orgs were never consulted. I presume as HQAC have their say higher up the pecking order… Which is a shame as the “local offer” is a postcode lottery where RAFAC is concerned… As it is with ACF, SCC and almost all other organisations.

I’ve been on what sounds like a similar NYA call, and it definitely seems like cadet forces aren’t really on their radar - or other organisations’.