Daily Occurrence Log

maybe not a bad idea esp. in shared premises (who knocked that ceiling tile off?) but let’s leap into whichever century this is and have a shared spreadsheet perhaps? In offshore engineering I used to find all the good stuff about what actually happened was only in the log!

I love a good use of technology, but sometimes quick and simple ink on paper is the way to go.
Especially with a log which is maintained by different people. It’s right there, ready to go.
No Cdt NCO asking “Sir, can I use the computer please to fill in the occurrence log?” finishing up what one is doing to let the Cdt on… Opening up the spreadsheet, entering the details, saving the spreadsheet…
In the time it took them to ask the question, an entry on paper has already been written up.


If we are creating a spreadsheet with a time stamp for each entry we could integrate into Bader then it’s all in one place, stored safely & easily viewed!

Wouldn’t take much to add it as a module to SMS. Then all anyone needs to do is use the app/volunteer portal & bingo nice & easy!!

(Or we can use a bit of paper that’s shredded after 12 months… :wink:)

Although, that wouldn’t work in the scenario Depwingchap presented, whereby the ACF and ATC would both be using it in sharped premises.

It could be done via an MS form but the resulting spreadsheet would have to be shared by the ATC to the ACF or vice versa

Please don’t suggest unnecessary admin…

Discip issues already get logged.
Accidents and near missses already get logged.
Visitors already get logged.
Building faults already get logged.
Attendance already gets logged.

I’ve got no issues with completing a log for ad hoc formations such as annual camps, but for everything else, the admin already exists.


Just to clarify CI also can hold SC for this propose among others!


Its only unnecessary if you’re never going to use the information.

Some of us do use the information, and don’t bother duplicate logging where it already exists… So it’s not unnecessary in that case.

We don’t have one, I haven’t seen one since I was last a SSGF guard commander. But we do have a lines book to record for prosperity (blackmail/ridicule) the occasional gaffe or verbal mishap, it’s staff eyes only for obvious reasons.

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