Crab Football

3 is that all.

There must be more for other sports and AT and just general parade nights.

It must be v v v v v v v v v v v quiet in the H&S world at Cranwell.

You can view the AT ones on SharePoint. Makes for a good read if youve got a spare half hour!!! Interesting that in some instances there are potential learning points for all - but not being promulgated…

Got to love a system that works. My understanding was that the whole point of accident (and near miss) reporting was so that we could learn from it, not so we could either bury it on Sharepoint or ban things outright.

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Absolutely on the money.
H&S people are tiresome individuals who would have been picked on at school and never got over it and now that they have a clipboard and pen just seek to suck the joy out of life for normal people.
I drive past building sites and similar that were playgrounds for us, but are covered in fencing, cameras and other paraphernalia to stop kids enjoying themselves.

Ahhh the exuberance of youth…
Playing in disused quarries and construction sites… I remember the time that little Scott from 'round the corner fell and broke his arm on a piece of steel pipe that he was “tightrope walking” on. That was a fun journey home, climbing under the fence with his bone sticking out.
Or when Tim had to get stitches and a tetanus shot after he slipped and cut his leg open in the old landfill…
Halcyon days!

And those cameras now! Making it harder for the local pikey to sneak onto the building sites and steal the tools… Madness I tell you!



Getting hurt was all part of the childhood experience.

I don’t think anyone would deny the perils, but when you’re young you shouldn’t be made to think everything you do will kill you and stop or stops you doing it. We seem to have crossed the rubicon when it comes to being cautious / making people cautious.

I’m not one for cotton-wooling youngsters - at all.
But there are limits…
I will gladly agree that there are some overzealous muppets in the world donning the H&S hat but I don’t think that preventing children from playing on building sites is in any way the kind of “health & safety gone mad” that we should legitimately be pushing back against.

It’s a building site!

When we were younger there were just as many stupid kids about.
Do you recall the terrifying old advertisements to warn kids of the dangers of playing on the railways, or of climbing around in substations?
That’s the kind of stuff that was killing or injuring kids.
Apparently we no longer need to show those kinds of horrors on TV, because of improved safety precautions and/or better education.


i corrected that for you…


For some reason, this statement reminds me of the Australian “don’t slack off” public safety announcement!!!

(Warning: graphic content - find it yourself on YouTube!!!)

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Bloody hell… Thread creep of the year!

Stay in School!

I had seen that before but had apparently blocked it from memory. The Aussies really do make some disturbing “safety” videos.

Oh so true.

I remember them well Donald Pleasance voiced the one for staying away from areas of water.Still remember all those films well.So they obviously had the desired effect.

I remember all the Tufty, Green Cross Code (with Darth Vader), Clunk Click (Jimmy Saville) and so, but it didn’t stop you as kids actually doing the things they said not to do.
We used to climb into a substation to get our ball back,
We used to have fires and set a bush alight one time.
Messed around with fireworks, that was one where I’m not sure how we didn’t do ourselves of others more harm amazes us to this day.
I suppose the saving grace is we didn’t have instant photos or way of showing these around to others. A mate of mine in probation said some get caught as they FB themselves with their loot or doing something, looking pleased with themselves … until the police turn up.

Back in the day myself and mates spent one whole summer destroying a wasps nest by use of water pistols,bangers and other nefarious means.One of my mates even decided it would be a good idea(not) to ram an iron spike into a hornets nest we found.I can still hear his screams as he ran home with multiple stings.We used to climb onto the roof of the local library to get our ball back by pushing ourselves up the wall in the gap between an incinerator pipe and the wall.
We used to dig huge holes on the beach which if the sides had fell in we would have been doomed.Thing is you dont think about that at the time.We played football every Sunday went to cubs/scouts /cadets.Went on long bike rides .Picked blackberries and ate them off the bush.Halloween meant turnip lanterns and dooky apples none of this trick or treat nonsense.

That’s because if we create each generation to be more risk averse than the next, you create nice little worker bees that can’t think for themselves without a flow chart and won’t want to take a risk…

“Give me just one generation, and I’ll transform the world”