Cpl promotion information

Hi, I’m in sector 1 of Cumbria and Lancashire wing but I’ve not been give permission to access share point and therefore can’t see any information for the Cpl promotion. I was wondering if anyone knows the other squadrons in sector 1 for Cumbria and Lancashire wing!

Unless things are very different in the north west, promotions up to CFS are usually a sqn cdr’s prerogative and would usually be announced on final parade, presentation evening, annual dinner, etc, (sometimes followed up on social media) rather than SharePoint.

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No, things are the same, however my squadron makes us go through interviews, I don’t know if others do this? And we get asked questions and the information is available on share point, and j can’t access it. Just was wondering if people knew some things that might help. Thank you for clarifying though, I think I’m a bit confusing!!

Well you’re best off asking your sqn staff, and the other NCOs on your sqn what themes of questions you’ll get asked, and if they could provide you with any reading material.


Ask your Cdt SNCO for clarrification, I’m pretty sure all North Cumbria Sqns have decent enough NCO teams to help

Also have a search through past posts on the forum - there’s loads of information about what interviews might look like, NCO courses, and general promotion guidance.

Definitely ask your own unit.

We could share lots of great insights, but none of that will leave you feeling well-prepared because we can’t reassure you that you’re focussing on the right stuff.

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Feel like we need to develop some form of bot that immediately posts this on any topic with “Corporal” or “Cpl” or “promotion” in the title :joy:

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