Corps Chairman

lack of understanding what??

if this were true why would he be appointed into a role he doesn’t understand?

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I’m confused. This thread was started because Aries had never heard of the Corps Chairman, now he’s complaining that the man has demonstrated a lack of understanding?


In the 2 years I’ve been running my unit, I’ve had a consistent chair that took over at our first meeting and then was left as just him, we finally had a meeting that was more than just the 2 of us last week, and I’m greatly enthused by this.

We are attempting to open a new bank account that the old committee can transfer the funds into, for the last 2 years we’ve had no access to our funds other than on Sqn petty cash. Yet at last weeks meeting, we approved funding for a cadet on their DofE Expedition and to compete the purchase of a tent as our current stock is damaged / US.

I have some concerns over the spending of the funds we pass up to Wing and feel this lacks transparency, I’ll be sharing the minutes from our Sqn meeting with the staff team. Wing has funded meals for the last 2 staff conferences which does worry me as I don’t feel its the best use of the cadets money, given CIs should be free feeders anyway and other staff are no doubt claiming pay so can use that to cover their meal.

I have no knowledge of the amount that goes up to Region / Corps per cadet or how this is spent.

Much greater understanding & collaboration would be achieved with additional transparency and we should really be looking for Minutes / Record of Decisions to be easily accessible to all with access to Bader SharePoint (CFAVs + Chair + Treasurers) for both committee meetings and also those of the ACMB.

This is explained at ATF . Membership is the 6 Regional Commandants, OC 2FTS, CAC, COS & Wg Cdr CCF, also invited is a OC Wg which rotates to represent the volunteer, I also believe that the Corps Chaplin is involved along with CACWO.

The ACMB acts as the Board of Directors would in a normal business and all changes of policy are passed through them. The ACMB is the top of the Uniform Pillar and in effect holds CAC to account and doesn’t allow them to run away and do their own crazy things.

When it comes to the Corps Chairman, this individual is too far away from me as a Unit OC to be of interest, but I do understand why it would be interest to understand their role/position from a committee perspective. The problem, with this forum is the primary population of CFAVs with extremely limited CWC contributors.

For the record (and accuracy)

No, I did not ask the original question. I read it and then thought that a point of question had been overrun by negative responses. So I rephrased the question surrounded by some simple facts.

Fair point - my apologies

Couldn’t be further from the truth. Has never happened.

I haven’t used the word ‘conspiracy’

I am not a troll

… well if tinged with an awful lot of assumed prejudice that isn’t really befitting of the organisation and possibly suggests an alternative resting place if there are any chips.

I refer you to themajor’s response. Perfectly civil, helpful and not any air of unnecessary attitude. You would do well to take note.

Oh … and while we are at it … I am in no way related to Aries but, if you are going to pick holes in his dropping an s then you could at least correct your own typo in the title of this forum section. Stones … glasshouses.

Thank you for a sensible and polite response.

Always happy to correct typos in topics. Only, what typo?

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The one in this forum’s description:
“A space for Civilian Committee members to use and for everyone to talk about Civilian Committees and thier role and function”

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that doesn’t mean the words used are not heavily dripping in the implication that it is

that is exactly what a troll would say!

Bit like a witches ducking stool then!

I bet that Rugby club clubhouse is toasty in this weather…?


Can you share the details in a separate post/pm/email to

Do you have a special alert set for Cadet Portal being mentioned? :wink:


T’is my (shared) baby

I Know. :smile:

That is possibly the stupidest thing you’ve said… And given some of your previous examples it’s up against some pretty stiff competition.

You are Donald Trump and I claim my £5!


It would seem that you and your colleagues are proving the point time after time - not thinking for yourselves - pack instinct someone throws a ball into the scrum, you all pounce but then consistently fail to make a touch down.

Good job you are not running a shoot, as I think there would be many having shot themselves in the foot.

The thinking bit refers to acting in the interests of the beneficiaries by applying the Law properly and consistently, whereas with few exceptions, the majority of protagonists simply follow the line that whatever emanates from HQAC is the Law and therefore unquestionable, when little snippets emerge on the forum which actually defeat all your rhetoric, and prove that HQAC are wrong in their interpretation and application. At least since the present CAC took charge

I throw you this one - at least one Squadron Charity apparently not operating according to Charity rules - no wonder they cant access a bank account. That should concern the Corps Chair but no, unless he simply forgot to include real compliance issues in his recent letter.

You clearly know very little about the people who post on these forums
A lot of us are persona non grata at HQAC, just because we post here.

Perhaps the reason everyone gangs up on you is not because we are all slaves to the HQ hive mind, but because you post inane questions, don’t like the answers, refuse to answer our questions and engage with us as equals then you insult all of us and call us idiots.


Is that a fact - you show surprising way of offering mutual support but then how many are Civcom? I see (?) all the noises about working together but when you have angus and his attempt to play to audience, the Civcom side does not win many votes.

All you have been asked is simple questions, relating to simple facts which affect everyone, and all that happens is to be shot out of the sky.

Everything posted has been properly researched, and the responses either reflect that generally people don’t know, or dont care, strange when there are so many experts on board. Plus many seem to behave like Warkitten, who suddenly stopped posting at the end of 2018 - behaviour unbecoming an officer might have been the impetus there. And what happened to mutual respect - I never regard anyone as an idiot. my preference is to allow individuals the privilege of showing themselves for what they are - that way you get the best (or worst) out of them.

m hten