I posted a thread in December about the problems on the squadron. I have been off for my mock exams for two weeks and things have got progressively worse now I’m back.
One of the corporals seems to have it in for me. To a certain degree, she always has for no apparent reason but now it is completely obvious. Other cadets have started noticing.
I get blamed for everything by her. Everything I do seems to result in a bollocking. More and more often I get pulled into the NCOs mess for a ‘chat’. For chat read six NCOs giving me a stern talking to for other peoples’ wrongdoings.
Junior cadets uniform being shabby (I should be telling them what’s wrong but if I do, I get an ar*e kicking because I’m only a cadet), if cadets are late to parade (I should be telling them to hurry up), if a junior cadet doesn’t know what to do for something I get told that I should be telling them what to do (but if I do, I get told to stop being ‘cocky’).
This Cpl always makes me do lots of duties and moans that the cadets are all sitting around. Cpl X was the duty NCO yesterday, I had FIVE duties to be completed. Everyone else has one. I usually have two. I had to make the tea for the staff, run the cadets NAAFI shop, take the bins out, clean the toilets and keep the cadets quiet while the NCOs sit in their mess. Then she takes me out for being ‘inefficient and useless’. I told her that she would struggle if she’s multitasking to that extent.
Cpl pulled me out for a meeting, apparently I am ‘nowhere near the standard for a wannabe NCO’. I am also ’ never gonna be a Cpl because I’m pushing 16 and I’d be rubbish anyway.’ Her words.
She’s so plainly got obvious favourites, and I’m her obvious scapegoat. I volunteer for everything. But, I can’t go to the staff because I’ll be made to look like a liar. Once you’re an NCO in my sqn, you’re untouchable.
I thought the ATC was meant to be fun, now it just feels like I’m spending my free time cleaning and being shouted at.
Something very basically wrong on your sqn.No one should be untouchable .Speak to your staff as a matter of urgency if the staff are any good they should have been feeding this back to your OC long before now.
I echo what has already been said - speak to your staff. Cadets (of any rank) should not (and are not) bigger than the Sqn. If your staff are worth their weight they will pick up on this. If one of my cadets came to me with this issue, I would sort it out for the good of the Sqn.
However, I will also say this - I was a cadet who never got promoted. I am now a uniformed adult member of staff - go figure. Promotion is not the be all and end all. A good cadet is better than a weak NCO.
If you have no luck with your Sqn staff, you have two options - take it higher, through the chain of command (ie your sector officer) or transfer to another local Sqn. There is also a third option, but I am loathed to mention that. Suffice to say it involves you suddenly being ‘unbusy’ (in the Jeremy Clarkson sense) two nights a week.
Bring it up with someone atleast, If your in devon and somerset wing aswell tell me and I’ll get someone to sort it. I know pretty much all SNCO’s from D&S
[quote=“TheCdt, post:11, topic:2150, full:true”]More like despises me, haha. [quote=“SVS, post:9, topic:2150, full:true”]
She fancies you…[/quote][/quote]
She may well have the hots for you.
It generally follows that more someone ‘annoys’ someone, there is a frisson of something else there. My wife and I did this many years ago as part of the pre-cursor to a relationship. Our son and eldest daughter moaned about a girl and boy, respectively at school who were annoying them, they ended up seeing each other.
So watch out, the fact they’re an NCO may be making it difficult to express their feelings.
Bullying is NOT acceptable at all, you need to do something about this at once , do not suffer in silence . I am the Chairman of the Civilian Committee and it is our role to look after the welfare of cadets . Find a member of staff or someone (adult) you trust and explain the problem. They should take it up with the Squadron CO .
Air Cadets does have a level of discipline and that is right, however it should be fair. NCOs in some cases can be very young and do not understand what is right and they need to be educated . It takes courage to stand up to bullying, however it is something you must do not be unhappy or leave .
Stranger things have happened. than the post “She Fancies you”
But on a serious note, the way you have written this points to the fact that you feel uncomfortable and feel you are being bullied, If this is the case you seriously need to have that chat with the Commanding Officer directly if necessary with a parent. Especialy if the whole NCO team are involved and this is what worries me.
As an Organisation we should be doing something about this sort of behaviour bullying iof any form is not tolerated however if you do not report it directly no action or investigation can be carried out.
These Corporals are lazy prima donna’s who need sacking. This culture goes all the way to the top by the sound of it.
These corporals don’t seem to understand their role within the Squadron. It is their duty to ensure cadets are on Parade. It is their duty to ensure that they are on time. It is their duty to ensure that they are correctly dressed. Not yours.
It is also their duty to run the naafi and make tea for the staff.
Attaining the rank of corporal doesn’t mean you stop working. In fact it often means for quite the reverse. Having 6 of them address you in person about your shortcomings is nothing more than bullying or some sort of cruel windup. They also appear to be wonderfully ill-informed about Cadet careers. Being 16 and a cadet is nothing to be concerned about. I did not get promoted to corporal until I was 16 and I timed out as a cadet warrant officer at 21
Your commanding officer seems to have created a public school fagging system rather than an air cadet Squadron that gives young people leadership roles and responsibilities
Sounds to me that the sqn NCO team and by definition the sqn is dysfunctional.That comes from the top and needs to be addressed.As has been previously stated you need to be having a one to one with your boss and make sure you have your parent with you.Iif your boss is in anyway up to their job they ll know whats going on and if they dont they shouldnt be in post either in the corps or anywhere else.
Perhaps they spend too much time locked away in their office ,mind thats no excuse.
This reply maybe a bit late but others may find it useful.
Sounds like an uncomfortable and nasty situation that the CO needs to deal with. My advice will be to run a log of everything that happens over a month (the who, what and when) and then go to the boss put in a complaint of bullying with the log as evidence. If the boss does nothing then I would suggest your parents go in with the same evidence (remember to keep a copy) and make a complaint. If nothing happens then the boss is on really thin ice as you can then escalate the complaint to Wing, Region or Corps.
Nobody should be subjected to a telling off by 6 NCO’s in their mess. If that happens again I would insist a staff member be present or for the “chat” to be in the CO’s office. If they refuse then it’s time to say no. By saying no the NCO’s have two options, go and tell a member of staff or back down. If they back down you have another good reason to go to the boss, it would highlight their intent but by not allowing a staff member to be present they are in effect highlighting the bullying.
During a confrontation say very little, don’t get drawn into the arguments and let it ride over you.
I’m a corporal but I take my position very seriously if there is a cadet being blamed I would help them right away do not take the heat of a person that has more power than you it is not right take it up the chain of command if you need any more advice let me know
Id recommend talking to someone whos rank is even more powerful. Or even try talking to your parents about it. It might not be ideal but that would be the most effective way. If she would make you seem like a liar, get ur mates to back you up, or any cadet thats noticed the behaviour and is willing to change it.get as many as possible, that way they wont deny it.take note of the things shes done and use it against her. Wether she fancies you or not it definately is against the rules and not fair or right.