Coronavirus Medal


The job security
Job for life
Golden pension
Excellent holiday allowance
On job perks

None of that is worth anything…


What is there possibly to flag in my post?
Unbelievable… you cant bang on about your day job and how difficult it is without being able to accept an argument, praise or criticism either way!


Or is it the phrase ‘virtue signalling’ because that’s exactly what this is!

Without getting into a childish like argument, I didn’t flag it and would have responded appropriately. :slight_smile:
I can assure you I am not trying to do what your flagged post suggests. In some aspects, I even agreed with you. Nevertheless, I think this has run it’s course.

You think.

Request thread be locked as there is no new info for a coronavirus medal and nor will there be for some time.

Making a comparison does not indicate that I’m virtue signalling. I’m simply saying there has to be a criteria in the same way there is criteria for military campaign medals, IF we go down a medal route, otherwise it devalues the award. In no way do I think I’m better than anyone else or more vital than anyone else.

You’ve turned a reasonable discussion into a childlike argument with your manner, I can’t understand why this gets your back up as much as it does. I’ve even agreed with you on many aspects, mainly being that I don’t agree that a medal is the most appropriate award.

Anyway, agreed that this thread may as well be locked.


But the phrasing and manner of which it has been repeatedly raised does.

Should I be impressed you work in the face of covid? It is your paid job? Is it not?

Others dont get clapped, paid more or given a medal everytime they save lives, in the line of their jobs.

This is several posts ago…
You have raised your job 2 or 3 times in the thread. Hence its relevance.

I dont see working in the NHS as special, it’s a job as any other. What is special is when people do things outside their terms and conditions for a reason other than personal financial gain (career salary).

E.g. the soup kitchen argument.

I DONT disagree that most people in the NHS have had to work hard recently. AND I think that hard work SHOULD be recognised in some fashion. AND certainly a national memorial or form of recognition to the WHOLE is warranted.

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There’s a discussion regarding a potential medal and related criteria. Someone with first hand experience gives their opinion and you call them out for virtue signalling?

And then you call for the thread to be locked because you have no more to add to it?
Jesus wept! Get over yourself.

(It wasn’t me who flagged your comment either by the way.)


Actually, the Police, Fire and Ambulance services are all eligible for gallantry and distinguished service medals.

As @wdimagineer2b had said - I’m just giving my experience as it is useful for the OP and topic. I’m no way virtue signalling to make myself seem better than anyone else.

I was referring to all those who arent elligable. I thought that was obvious.

Whilst you’re at it the military too get gallantry medals etc… but that’s obvious.

So apparently as required to out.

There are plenty of risk intensive industries where decisions made on a daily basis lead to the saving of lives.

Even in manufacturing or tourism this happens.

Fine. We will accept that then.

Squadgy jumps in.

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Such a shame this has descended to argument.

Post marked as solves so will be locked soon.


You all need to stop this petty behaviour.

Mr Valiant and Mr Cetamol, please refrain from making any further conversation about this topic. Or indeed descending into arguments elsewhere also.

This topic will now be shut unless there is significant new information released regarding the topic.

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