Community Infrastructure Levy and Squadron Buildings

A local squadron has been on the list for “refurbishment” for a number of years and, although no closer to happening, it has been hinted that this may include the provision of a new hut (they’re on a stand alone site with no possibility of moving to a JCC). The CivCom are wondering if they can apply for funding from the local authority’s Community Infrastructure Levy (formerly Section 106 money) to put towards the provision of a new brick-built building rather than another Portacabin.
Has anyone got any experience of doing this or fundraising to put funds towards buildings? Obviously accept that the MoD/RFCA have a responsibility to provide accommodation but it seems like something that may provide more options than their funding alone…

It’s a very long shot. Funding a youth club for which the MOD are supposed to provide and support infrastructure will be a very hard sell when the school down the road is falling down…

Not directly relevant to s106 funding, but local authorities have been known to gift land to RFCA for cadet centres.


The cadet centre on the old RAF Cardington site was provided by the developers. I don’t know if it was via an s106 or other means:


Or charge peppercorn rates; my old squadron paid £50/year in ground rent.


That was supposed to happen with 7F (1st City of Liverpool) Squadron when a large parcel of land was sold to developers in conjunction with the ACF and SCC, just it never happened. 7F were moved out by the then Wing Commander (RAFAC and employed for CEP with RFCA, not long previously CCF air cadet unit less than a mile up the road was established) but strangely the top floor of the TA centre they were hosted in was serious;y upgraded, and the SCC are still in their cabins on the parade ground.

I think that one was a bit of an odd one coinciding with a notable event & the chaos that was the changes with Northants County council.

& my god how old are those pull up banners!

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We still use them, and I’d guess we’re far from the only unit doing so.


the one on the right (as we look at it) is ~5 years old if I recall correctly and to my knowledge haven’t seen anything newer since. The left hand one though i totally get your comment, that IS an old one

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That picture is also five years old (July 2018).

I know of a squadron where their HQ is in a listed former Regimental Headquarters. They share it with the ACF and, on paper at least, an Army Reserve Unit. They never see the reserve unit. The RFCA would have been forced to dispose of the building had they not found a use for it, so the presence of the cadet forces helped preserve its heritage.

Another unit not too far away occupy a building on a school site. It’s brick built and was funded by the school and RFCA. The Squadron has two evenings, the ACF have two evenings and during the day the school use it for service based courses.

It can be done, it just takes the will to do it.


Completely agree, but they’re looking for options to try to either prompt the RFCA to actually do what they’ve allegedly had the money for since the pandemic or come up with other options. IIRC they’re still based in the same old Spooner Hut they’ve been in six the 60s!

One of the shortest OC Wing appointments I think lol


How long did he actually last, as I walked away after my run in with him? The ‘official’ reason was family commitments, I believe.

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1 year 11 months

Are you in the same wing?

I fear he wasn’t ‘loved’. I found how he came across as an individual and how he operated quite distasteful. Didn’t like to be challenged as to his methods of working, playing I’m the Wing Commander don’t you know card. Having dealt with people far higher up the RAF and NHS food chains, his tactics didn’t intimidate me!

Others tried to keep a lid on a large can of worms with what I was involved in, got messy when Dawn was contacted and an MP got involved.