Comdt RAFAC leaving & replacement

Not seen anything posted, wheres this from?

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If weā€™re picking RCs to be Comdt, can we have RC North please. Albeit that would leave a big hole that would need filled for all the work heā€™s currently doing!


Maybe the ex-OC 2FTS wants a new role again? :thinking: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Well whoever comes in will have a BIG inboxā€¦

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Iā€™ll ask Jon Fordā€¦ā€¦:smiling_imp:

Considering the number of 1* posts that have been created in the recent past, seems like a plan to keep those considered capable of progression upwards, the RAFAC will get what is left.

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He always wanted the Commandant role, even before he was RC(N)

I suspect lost of Tonyā€™s problems stem from her failure to do the job for 8 years.

While the role remains FTRS we will continue to get has been Group Captains who never had what it takes to make 1 Star rank. It will also continue to demonstrate the decline in importance of Air Cadets to the RAF and MOD.


Surely attaining Group Captain is no mean feat in itself?

Would be interestingly to see some stats on % of Flt Lts who go on to promote to each subsequent rank.

I had the stats for enlisted a few years ago as part of my injuries claim.

If I remember rightly the stat for an enlisted aviator to reach Warrant Officer was <1%. But there are naturally going to be more WOs than Gp Captsā€¦

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Also a lot more people to choose from.

If you manage to make that Flt Lt to Sqn Ldr leap then Group Captain isnā€™t an enormous stretch if you donā€™t leave and donā€™t mess up.


@james_elliott come september 2024?

So the timescale for this does make sense. He took up the role in September 2020 and itā€™s a 4-year renewable term.

We know heā€™s already started going through the Career Transition Partnership from previous posts, which would suggest a lack of intent to renew.

But as stated above, thereā€™s no obvious successor and no clear understanding of just how much of the current problems are new under TK or inherited and still growing their prickly thorns.

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Im pretty convinced most the orgs challenges are 22gp/RAF issues that wont dissapear when the successor is in postā€¦

Multiple people within HQAC have told me that every stone unturned on decades of mismanagement has resulted in the discovery of problems just covered up/plugged etc


I agree. Which then begs the question of how much has TK actually held the floodgates closed on other issues that we may not yet be aware of - take the discussion elsewhere on camp places this year thatā€™s only come to light because weā€™ve been speaking about it together.

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I think this is exactly the case.

The aggravating factor has been TKā€™s complete lack of understanding of volunteers and how to lead us. Which has created endless cases of ā€œI say and you doā€ from above which just doesnā€™t go down well with a volunteer Cadre who expect the why to be explained as well.


Heā€™s had his hands tied with a lot of things. Itā€™s not his fault there the budget is getting tighter. Itā€™s not his fault we canā€™t use certain drones. etc. Heā€™s in a position where some decisions are going to look bad on him, no matter what direction he chooses.

However you are right, the comms have been lacking. As seems to be standard procedure. The all hands meeting thing was a good step in the right direction, but seems to have just been a single step.

It much better for us to have good reasoning behind decisions. Understanding leads to accepting.

A new Comdt isnā€™t going to suddenly solve loads of problems. Unless itā€™s someone whoā€™s owed a lot of favours!


Itā€™s very easy to take on a position like this and just roll over, accepting that it is what it is and that itā€™s not worth the effort trying to better things. Anyone can do it.

A great leader or manager is one who has the backbone to stand up and say, ā€œNot on my watch. You are not going to run this organisation into the ground and make me look like the bad guy!ā€


From the fact its a four year posting and he started September 2020?

Exactly this. He wasnā€™t discreet about that.

Has there ever been though in the past?

Iā€™ve never known of a queue coming outside the doors at Cranwell of potential applicants let alone favourable ones!

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Gordon Moulds handpicked Alex Stewart.