I base a lot of my leadership lessons on what the Army is doing frankly (with a smattering of references from the US too).
I don’t see anything there the RAF wasn’t already teaching.
MMMMMMMM cough cough RAFAC
He said they were teaching it, not necessarily implementing it. Although in fairness some CFAV completely torpedo the ability to trust the team when they behave like chumps.
@Turbo seems that someone has made a request now although this seems to be related to all CF and not just RAFAC Cadet involvement in the Kings Coronation - a Freedom of Information request to Ministry of Defence - WhatDoTheyKnow
It’s just a shame that this will cost the taxpayer, when a preemptive IBN would have headed it off early doors.
Just seen a photo on the Lyon Courts FB page of Robert Gordon College Pipes and Drums/Robert Gordon College CCF Pipes and Drums (it seems to be a joint band that represents the school & the CCF) being presented their coronation medals by the Lord Lyon King Of Arms . This a number of CFAVs one of which was in RAF uniform with RAFAC pins (I assume a CCF (RAF)).
Is this linked to the Commandant somehow?