Combined Initial Course (CIC)

Or avip pt3 for those going into uniform - not the PUSC which is about ‘whether to’

And that is the challenge, given we can’t even agree on here what ‘shoes should be highly polished’ actually means.

Not that that’s a reason not to try though

Surely if a 13 year old can be expected to learn, someone 20+ should be able to?


A 13 y o is taught, and taught with their peers. But we expect staff (who are not ex cadets or have served) to just figure it out.

We are short of uniformed staff so we need to help them!

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I wonder which of these points would not be met by, for example, a former CWO with MOI.


So thinking strategically the volunteer pathway could be:-

Mod 1 - initial induction - AVIP inc HSE, safeguarding, Ethics/values, how to use Bader systems.(all the turn key stuff - done within first 3months)
Mod 2 - MoI training, RA training, First Aid.
Mod 3 - pre-uniform portfolio - drill & uniform, interviews prep for role etc
Mod 4 - CIC course at cranwell
Mod 5 - post course consolidation (region level)
Mod 6 - Sqn Officers Course (previous Sqn Cdr course - attended by all Fgs & SNCO Sqn Cdrs)
Mod 7 - Snr Officers Course

CIC then should have a bit about consolidation of knowledge at as a standards check but also should be perhaps around more of the background of dealing with people (conflict management, initial complaints standards setting & the more military ethos. Basic Interviewer training.

Wings are very busy & streched as it so I would avoid anything being at wing level more than it already is. Region feels the better fit for standards setting particularly as it’s more adult focused than cadet focused.

13 years olds are still in a learning environments, adults often are not. I hate the concept of telling people to self study as it isolates them so for new volunteers we need to train them to give them the confidence to get involved more.

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All of them, though there is a case for going over some parts from a CFAV (rather than staff cadet) viewpoint. A more modular system could accommodate prior learning.


A fair point.

Military ethos & discipline differs from adults & cadets (you can’t give a CI an order for example) but it does come down to how you prep them.

If all staff cadets are prepped for adult staff regardless of rank then the jump to uniform for the more capable will be easier.

I notice that it is 10 SNCO & 10 CFC per course. I wonder if there will be break-outs into role specific for the 2 groups during the course, remaining together for the generic stuff?

  1. Insufficient capacity.
  2. Wtf do the CIC staff do these days.
  3. No issues it being combined.
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When I started a CCF I took all the new shiny Plt Offs I was given and taught then how to iron RAF standard. Then after that, they left their uniform in school and one of them did everyones ironing once a week. It was lovely :slight_smile:


I need to have a conversation with my Sgt…


That’s a splendid idea

The thing is though you taught them rather than just chucking them in the deep end.


Can I drop mine off ? :grin:

I have a man for that now :slight_smile:

Have they confirmed the criteria? I’m on the road from SNCO to Commission would it mean another week long trip to Cranditz for the same course content?

Every new SNCO or Officer has to attend SSIC or OIC, why would CIC be different?

That was when there was an expectation or understanding that SSIC was different to OIC.

If CIC is both merged, then why would someone who’s passed one previously need to sit it again?


But we don’t know if everyone on CIC sits the same “modules” or anything at all about the course content.