Clarification on what the Core Activited are

Myself and other NCOs are disagreeing with squadron staff as to what the core activities are. They believe there are 14 but haven’t come up that many. If anyone has any idea that would be great

ACTO 011 defines core activity. If you have Sharepoint access you can find more detail there.

The ACMB has agreed that the RAFAC CAs comprise the following:
a. Flying – Both with AEF, Flying Scholarships and other RAF flying.
b. Gliding.
c. Adventure Training.
d. Syllabus of Training – BTEC Studies.
e. Service Engagement.
f. Shooting.
g. Sport.
h. Fieldcraft – as detailed in ACP 16.
i. Leadership Training.
j. Camps.
k. Drill.
l. First Aid.
m. DofE