Civilian Careers in Defence

Hi everyone,

I’m new to ACC but have been with the ATC for nearly 20 years (minus a three year break). I wanted to discuss the awareness among Cadets of career opportunities in defence outside of the armed forces.

It’s a subject I feel strongly about as I have Cerebral Palsy and since a young age I wanted to join the forces (Army and the RAF) but of course I was never going to be able to join due to my disability. I was incredibly frustrated and upset for a number of years even writing to the MoD for an explanation as to why I couldn’t join.

Fortunately for me my Dad was a contractor for the MoD and even worked in Germany (where I was born) for the British Forces so I was aware that civilians could work directly alongside the armed forces and Dad would often tell me to look at that path. But as per most kids I didn’t really take on board what my Dad said!

It wasn’t until I did work experience for Babcock at RAF Barskton Heath and with the Civil Service at RAF Cranwell that I fully realised that I could get a job, working with the forces and contributing to defence.

I then worked in the MoD Civil Service for 6 years at Cranwell (HQAC), Digby and Waddington. Before leaving to go to Uni and pastures new.

I’m now a CI over in Derbyshire and it’s heartbreaking to see Cadets who for whatever reason aren’t able to join the armed forces and feel so disheartened. I try to reassure them that there are still loads of opportunities for them to work with the armed forces but there isn’t as much awareness of this as there is for the forces.

I’m now thinking it may be a good idea to promote civilian careers in defence alongside those in the armed forces. Not least because our organisation welcomes people of all abilities, including those who may not be able to join the armed forces.

I wondered if anyone else had Cadets who this subject might be of benefit? I have explained my career to Cadets but also trying not to sound like I’m saying ‘do the same as me’, if that makes sense?

I’ve developed a poster (below) which I hope might signpost Cadets to look at alternatives to joining the forces. It’s more of a concept, I’m not the best designer and it does use company logos, although I think this would be permissible as ‘fair use’.

I realise there may be challenges for young people entering into a civilian career in defence Especially job locations as civilian careers don’t offer accommodation as the armed forces do. But the main aim would be to raise awareness that just because someone can’t join the forces doesn’t mean you can’t have a career in defence and give them something to aim for.

Any thoughts and suggestions would be welcome. Sorry if I’ve rambled on.

JasBo (CI)


Good idea - my whole career has been in civilian defence related stuff across a variety of services / platforms. You could add loads of companies to that poster but my personal ones that I’ve worked for would be QinetiQ and Thales, both of which support large areas of defence.

I started out as a MOD Civil Servant; and it was brilliant - giving me some amazing experiences, LOADS of travel, delivering briefings to front line commanders and troops, through to supporting critical decision making at Whitehall and Strike Command (as was!). I also got heavily involved in Ops Support during Op Telic - which was epic!

I too was deselected due to a disability which developed at Uni - which knocked me out of the race for Uniformed Service - but MOD Civil Service suited me down to the ground!!! It also allowed me a coupled of sideways shunts into other areas of the wider Civil Service which saw me move from Whitehall to OGDs where my skills were also well utilised!

There’s an excellent - but under utilised - corner of SharePoint for this very subject area - Sign in to your account

I know the previous Commandant was very keen to fully engage the Civil side of defence to help open doors and avenues (albeit, he may also have had a vested interest and an exit strategy in mind alongside this!). Regrettably, it is also heavily STEM focused - neglecting the SHAPE subjects (Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts for People and the Economy) where our cadets can just as equally thrive - and where ALL the careers in defence areas also have openings - as apprentices, graduates and direct employees!!!

There was an HQ appointed person looking at this very area as well - continuing to support, develop and nurture industry - and coordination of support for things like the Industry Day at National Air & Space Camp

This is a fantastic post.

You might want to reach out to Jordan Bertolaso who I belive is working on a project to try and work with these civilian partners to encourage and sign post cadets towards them.

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That’s the badger.

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Hi Batfink,

Thanks for sharing your career history, sounds very interesting.

I hadn’t seen the Sharepoint area you linked but it is a good start, although Cadets won’t be able to access it directly and as you say it is very STEM heavy.

I know Berty! I did a Radio and Cyber camp with him last year. I shall get in touch, thank you.

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Apprenticeships advertised here. I suspect these guys are only going to get busier in the next few years. Teeside and Bournemouth locations.


And a smattering of other roles for those of us with transferable skills.