CivCom Fundraising Communications

Hello there, this is my first post as a relatively new CivCom member, so please forgive me if this is a subject which has already been discussed. I come from a digital marketing background I am keen to start fundraising for our squadron by reaching out to local businesses and organisations via email campaign and follow up with a telephone call. Does anyone know if I can use my personal email (gmail) address to do this if using a transparent signature i.e. “Mr Smith (Civilian Committee) xxxx Squadron”? Or do I have to send the appeal from an official email address? I have trawled ACP 10 / 11 and cannot find any reference to email communication. Many thanks for your advice.

There’s not really any guidance that I’m aware of, however Civilian Committee members are soon to have full Microsoft Licenses (again) and therefore a proper email address.
I’m not aware of the timeframes, but last I saw (August 24) the rollout was “in traction”

Thank you for your reply.

From a credibility perspective, I would suggest holding out if you can.

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Welcome :slight_smile:

If you have been added to our Bader MIS as a new CivCom member and the DBS & BPSS has been completed you should already have a RAFAC email address

Thank you. I am still waiting for access to Bader. I completed my DBS & BPSS but am told the latter cannot be signed off by the OC and I must wait for a Sector officer to do this. No update on when this will be done. Being a newbie in the public sector I am realising things take a little longer to get done than in the private sector!

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Have a little push back on this. Some Wing HQs will do the ID check over Teams, or allow other staff to do them. No reason it should cause delays, although appreciate that it regularly does!

Ha ha - get used to waiting…

I would initially use a private email address with suitable signature block, but for visibility / transparency, c.c. a suitable sqn email address (generic account?) until you finally get your RAFAC email address.

At least you can start with your battle plan rather than wait for an unknown timeframe which will delay your fundraising efforts.

I think on balance I should wait until I can access Bader. Thank you for all your advice.

Quick Q:

Do all Civ Comm members now need to have both DBS and BPSS? I thought that only those members who likely had access to Bader needed both i.e. Chair and Treasurer.

I ask as recently our Civ Comm members have been requested to do both.

If this is the case and now everyone requires both, could you point me to the policy please so I can discuss with my Chair.

ACP 20 PI 103 Annex B (page 14) is where you will find the vetting requirements for all personnel inc. Civ Comm.

It seems to confirm your thought that BPSS is only required if the Civ Comm member has a Bader account.

Can’t trust anything in that ACP :sweat_smile: Always full of out of date stuff.

We’ve been told that from Aug all CWC members needed BPSS.

@willow to answer you, this is not in policy anywhere, just email so far. LaSER were told on the 23rd of Aug.

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You cannot submit a CivCom application on Volunteer Portal without a BPSS now. That obviously affects new applicants.

Thanks everyone for your replies.

I can see us having a few disgruntled Civ Comm, which may seem some exit!

On a plus side - they will all get an email address, Sharepoint, One Drive & Teams access.

On the other hand, the BPSS Form isn’t the easiest.

The latest SW region update has it in too. No deadline for completion for existing committee members though.

I’m in SW and have been told that the pillar (remember them?) doesn’t have the capacity to process 100s of retrospective applications so, for the meantime, only Officers need BPSS…

What!! It’s simple, easy to complete. If people can’t fill out then should they be in the organisation. It’s all about the individual, where they have lived and worked, two people who have known them for more than three years :man_shrugging:t2:

It was in the comms email that was sent yesterday. It only talks about BPSS for civ com members though.

Sorry, I worded it poorly - I meant the process. Filling in the form, then having to wait for the next WSO visit for an ID Check - if they can’t make that date, it pushes it further to the right.