CI, NCO or Commission?

Citation needed……

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Here is just one of the times the CI debate has been hashed out on the forum.

We don’t need another one; please stick to @Fubar 's request.

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People have been talking to me about how I should join the organisation and they all talk about being in uniform being a much bigger commitment.

Not only is this incorrect and unfair to all the CIs I know who spend hours doing weekend training and delivery etc, but it also puts an unnecessary mental barrier in the way of people taking that step into uniform.

The organisation needs to get a grip of this narrative and fast.

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It’s not a narrative it’s the reality, as someone did above being an OC easily consumes 40+ hours a week.


It’s more of a narrative / mythology around going into uniform.

The jump from CI to uniform isn’t that much & if you are doing lots as a CI then it make sense to go into uniform if that what suits you.

It’s the jump to CO where hours go stupid.

the bit that the organisation is guilty of & is part pf the origin of the myth round the uniform expectation is dropping those who are new into uniform straight into an OCs post.

It burns them out without any time to learn & understand their uniform role.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Should CIs be an option for New Staff


No specific time commitment. You choose availability, & within reason, your specialisation(s).

You can meander away from the CoC & upset the applecart every now & then. :smiling_imp: (Can anyone beat DCAS? :wink: )


Certain staff I’ve dealt with certainly think they are above DCAS…


I know an RC who think they are the CAS