Thing is, where is the line between MTP uniform and stuff you’ve just picked up at surplus?

When it has the camouflage pattern and you’re wearing it at a cadets activity, presumably.

Sounds right. I was told no uniform items or camouflage patterns but plane OG/tan etc is ok

Tried this. Got told off for wearing a cdt beret.

Wing shooting and fieldcraft officers told me to wear mtp with a bush hat. Repeated got a talking to by “people who think they know better”

But if your drills were up to scratch how did they see you?


Just wear these :joy::joy:

If the official supplier of RAFAC rank slides makes them… Obviously they are legit.


Remember wearing those as an ATC CI as my OC told me to along with DPM for greens activities. Another squadron OC visited and told me if he saw me in them again he’d phone the police and report me for impersonating a soldier. Oh how we laughed at him. He’s now a Regional Senior Staff Officer…

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I might have some DPM ones somewhere :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: WOs, winding up, for the use of

I think I know the guy…

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Which as we all know… Is not an offense unless it’s for monetary gain…

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I did. Tbf its a good shout

Just wear civvies.
Go out, buy yourself some ludicrously expensive Rab jackets and Montane trousers. Topped off with a sprinkling of Arc’Teryx.
All the cool kids with bodge tape over the eyes wear it. Therefore, it’s ally. And allyness does save lives.

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You have my sympathies

I thought CS95 DPM pattern camo was fine now days for MTP was not.

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That is a grey (or black, brown sand and green) area. I’ve been told not, also no to cadpat/marpat/flecktarn and other great designs. But there is a a clause for obsolete uniforms for OPFOR.

It’s too confusing.

My answer would be:

Let CIs wear MTP (with ATC beret badge if needed). CI slides. If they want to do so they need to pass the pre uniform drill check. By all means limit it to activities where No3 is ordered, and CI polos etc for No2.

Who knows it could even encourage some to go into uniform proper


Should be burned with fire and replaced with Sqn polos.


Interesting that the discussion is about how they look and not about ability to do the role safely on the range. Do we care what footwear they are wearing for example?

What??? That’s not allowed. Oops