CFAV Fitness (For Duty)

Apologies if it’s not listed further up but I think it’s a shame we can’t do the beep test at Sqns any more.

You could do it six monthly, cap it at level six & encourages staff & cadets to take part.

Doesn’t have to be compulsory (not looking for PTS PTI scale of badges) but it would be beneficial & I don’t really understand the blockers.

It’s a shame it’s no longer available, but it does require strict compliance with safe limits set.

At work most of the PTI’s aren’t authorised to take you above 6.4, if you are going for one of the roles that requires advanced fitness such as Public Order Medic (10.2) you need a higher qualified PTI.

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Where is that written?

It’s an excellent measure of improvement for DofE Physical

i was thinking the same.

I can’t say I have ever known a “sports” night at my current Squadron that would normally have it to question why its been excluded (ie a fitness based sports night rather than dedicated to a specific sport) but I don’t recall seeing any IBN or otherwise indicating bleep tests are not allowed…

It was banned about 4 years ago, via IBN, and I never saw anything to confirm that we can do it since.

I was entirely unaware of this.

We do sprint shuttles at the squadron. They’re an option in the Blue DofE sports section and I’m a UK Athletics qualified running coach, so I didn’t think there’d be an issue.

If anything, sprint shuttles are more dangerous than a bleep test, as the whole exercise is carried out at maximum effort.

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So not banned in any policy then



Millennial alert


Which may be the issue as there will be policy on how the test is to run & conducted included pre-screening health questionnaires.

It will then be a bit like assault course or DCCT where we can use it if we hold the appropriate qualification but we are not enabled to do the training to get the qualification.

I wondered if ACTO 66 might have something in there, but instead I found this:


This document was last amended in 2017. It needs binning as all the rules are listed elsewhere. Speaking of…

I went to the ACPEDTIs and found nothing. They do have rules for Ass Football though. I’m assuming the abbreviation was intentional…

Must be in a JSP, because I can’t find a mention in any policy that you might expect it to be in. I can’t actually even find an IBN for it, only the original email.

But anyway… CFAV fitness…

doesn’t look like it - even looking in the IBN directory there is nothing dated in Jan 2020 to even look at

Off topic it know, but… We can use DCCT’s and SATT’s run the course to qualify operators.
I was running one a few weeks ago

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Coming back on topic, is anyone else here a parkrunner?

Number 98 completed for me today, at a very steady rate.


Getting close to that 100.
76 for me.


Looking forward to being able to upgrade to the black t-shirt. Not looking forward to it then being 150 more before the green one becomes available.

Started seeing some 500 shirts near me now too. Impressive dedication!

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Im on 31, shame i couldnt do the one in Nijmegen this morning, needed a G on my Alphabet


Yeah 500 is some going! not seen one in the wild yet.

My home parkrun is a very rare letter, so we get lots of tourists. Yet to have a week where we don’t have tourists from Australia, South Africa, North America etc - so we see all sorts.

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