Certificate template

Good Morning All,
Does anyone happen to have a Certificate Template that they would be willing to share. We are looking to print off our own parents eveing certificates. (for tomorrow evening).

Any help is appreciated.

Have a great day

Word normally have their own templates, you can then just add your squadron Crest and amend to what you like.

PM me an email address and I’ll send over my template!

Hi Guys!
Does anyone have a MicroSoft Publisher template for certificates like the one being presented by CAC.

If someone does could they also give it to me please :slight_smile:

Or even better upload to the file site on ACC.

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I’ll dig mine out.

I’ve done a topic merge!

Sounds painful

Hi @Mancie would you mind uploading your copy to the ACC drive?
And @Incubus, I appreciate that it’s basically the same topic, but I’m particularly interested in a publisher file.

Have applied for write access.

The only templates I have were converted from a file found in some deep dark recess of sharepoint many moons ago.

They’re in .rtf format so not the best option and not publisher, but better than nothing!

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Have uploaded my template to the Templates and Branding folder on the drive.

The formatting is a little different, but can easily be made to match


Thanks very much, I’ll have a play

Holy thread resurrection!

I don’t suppose anyone has a template with a A Lewis signature on it?
All the classification certificate templates on the Cadet Training Resources Portal are signed by Special K

I don’t think there is any yet. I’ve just had to continue with the other ones

So I’ve put together my own Certificate Template that just doesn’t have any signature block at the bottom.

I did enquire with the Corps Training Officer, who responded that they were waiting for permission to update the certificate templates.