We’re now accepting direct applicants for the courses mentioned below. We’ve included the dates, but not the locations – you’ll have to look on Bader for them. These details should reach you via your WExOs and Wing Shooting Officers in due course, but we appreciate this does’t always happen so thought we’d advertise on here too.
Mods: I wonder if it’s worth making this Sticky?
We are now accepting direct applications for the following courses:
LSW Coaching Course - 16-21 August 2014 (13 places still available)
5-Day SA(M)07 Course - February 2015 (24 places available) - This course has been moved from October 2014 since the army were unable to support it. Applicants will be emailed in due course.
The Bader links above contain further details and links to the course records. The course records have application forms attached.
You should apply via your Wing Shooting Officers or equivalent by following the instructions on the bottom of the application forms.
Candidates for SAAI courses should study the Guide for Candidates which can be found here.
Details of other SAAI courses hosted by regional Small Arms Training Teams can be found on our Bader Site.
It’s worth noting that many SATTs accept applicants from other regions, so if you see a course that suits you, and your WExO is happy for you to travel, it’s worth applying.
Further details are available from our Adjutant on adj.acoctt@aircadets.org.
We’ve had only five applicants for the LSW coaching course so far, and need at least nine more (ideally thirteen more) in order to make the course viable.
If any of you know anyone who’s interested, could I ask you to pass on the application details to them?
Bids will close on 4 July 14.
We’ve also listed an SA(M)07 course in Feb 2015 above.
Places available on 2-weekend SAAI course at RAF Leuchars in July 2014
There are still a small number of places (up to six) available on SAAI Course 1003/13 being hosted by ScotSATT at RAF Leuchars on the following dates:
Weekend 1: Fri 18 Jul - Sun 20 Jul 14 (starting at 1830 on Friday)
Weekend 2: Sat 26 Jul - Sun 27 Jul 14 (starting at 0830 on Saturday, accommodation available Friday night)
For those with Bader Access, details can be found here:
Because of the short-notice, candidates can apply direct by sending the application form found at the above link to both these addresses: adj.acoctt@aircadets.org and depocsatt.sni@aircadets.org.
The cutoff for applications is Tue 9 Jul 14, and places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
The guide for candidates, which details the required pre-course work, is available under student resources on the CTT Bader site.
Please spread the word if you know people able to travel.
There are places available on SAAI Course 1004/14 to be held at Beckingham Camp on 3-5 and 11/12 October 2014, starting at 1500hrs on the Friday. Applications to OC CESATT on OCSATT.centraleast@aircadets.org.
Please spread the word to anyone you know who’s looking to attend a SAAI course.
Out of curiosity, but is the SAAI course PTTLS (or whatever it is now) accredited?
I have heard that some instructional courses meet the criteria and allow you to gain the PTTLS qual in addition to the quals granted by the main course itself.
We still have a number of places available on the 5-Day Skill-at-Arms Instructor’s Course to be held at EMTA Beckingham (near Cranwell) 15 - 20 March 2015.
Details, and an application form, can be found here. If any of you know people who’d like to attend an SAAI course, please pass this on.
If anyone has any queries, please get in touch with Adjutant CTT on adj.acoctt@aircadets.org, or by phone.
Many thanks.
[quote=“Chief Tech”]Out of curiosity, but is the SAAI course PTTLS (or whatever it is now) accredited?
I have heard that some instructional courses meet the criteria and allow you to gain the PTTLS qual in addition to the quals granted by the main course itself.[/quote]
Better late than never…
I’m afraid not. We did a lot of investigation into this possibility, but after the change from PTLLS to “Education and Learning” qualifications, we were advised that the amount of additional work students would have to undertake to meet the requirements would be too high.
CTC Frimley Park awarded PTLLS for their SAAI courses for a short while, but we understand this has now stopped.