Celebrating Success / Feel Good Stories from the RAFAC

3rd of 4th time you’ve posted that…




Yeah but at least make it an OBE


Shows the benefits of good role models.

If those who do know how to drill do it well it sets the standard for others to follow



Good drill stems from the right culture and behaviours that underpin its importance.


Add in some pride and leadership (i.e. motivational speaking) to that mix too.

A big help to those places that really succeed is having someone who (as well as cares) actually has some kind of history with performing drill to a high standard. These people, either cadets or CFAV, will know and be able to pass on the little hints and tricks that polish a move, help you stay in step, add some nuanced flair etc that take standards from “ok” to “excellent”. And I’m not just talking about DIs.

…Because anyone can read and repeat the manual, but the practicalities of balance, keeping step, the fine details to sharpen it up, etc are not immediately intuitive for most.

To bring it somewhat back on topic, we and I’m sure many others are yet again receiving feedback about our presentation and drill (with some claiming we were the best - even unbiased ones) which shows what can be done with little time and resource if you have what’s been spoken about - care, pride, leadership, tips.

All cadet units of all services that were on parade have already succeeded regardless of standard in my mind though. Just to get there has been a journey for all units and unfortunately not all were able to overcome the challenges. We all jibe at each other, but everyone on parade can rightly, sufficiently, and pridefully quote Nightwish: “We were here”.


Got this as a Google news alert on my phone for some reason. Good work on following the regs and welcome to the new recruits.


Really nice bit of local PR.

Had 5 totally smash EFA this week.

It’s the first new style course we have done, and we always go a bit OTT spreading it over a few nights with a YFA style assessment to get them used to the style.

New cadets were spot on. So nice to see the instruction translate to competence.

I was really impressed.


20 cadets through a course today.

Got my cadet mojo* back.


*Not in an Austin Powers way.


Almost an ACP4 breach there


Good to see what the cadets have been up to on the weekly reviews on Social Media…

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I appear to have missed the stripes announcement somewhere along the line…
Well done mate!

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Cheers. I got the phone call to tell me literally five minutes before I got a call from B telling me that he needed more emergency surgery. So didn’t exactly broadcast it, it was a bit of a whirlwind at that point.

Been watching from the office (Adj) as the TP activities have had a … mixed … response from the cadets and I’ve not had much time to step up and plan activities due to my studies. But I asked the Training Officer if I could run a debate night tonight. The cadets were engaged and engaging with well-considered contributions. I had 12 topics prepped in case they didn’t engage much. We only got through 4 - and I had to cut 2 of them short so the cadets had a break and left on time!

My enthusiasm was starting to waver, wondering why I was giving the few spare hours I had left into my role if the cadets were losing interest, but I’m definitely feeling pumped again after tonight.


Thought best to resurrect a good thread.

I’m very impressed with the quality of music coming from the Band camp! Seen a lot of posts on SM and, although that style of music isn’t really my jam, it is great to listen to. Great work to the cadets on that camp, and the staff for running it. :slight_smile:


It’s a good news thread. Not for you to post moans.


Here’s one from a few weeks ago:


Many of the activities we’ve been yearning for ARE coming back online!

Some are taking longer, but let’s take the victories where we can and draw strength, because seeing things like this and actually managing to run decent sqn activities is definitely boosting my motivation.


Likewise the Gold Leadership course running at the same location is having fun…

Best stamp that morale out! They won’t make future leaders, having fun! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Nice to see the cadets out at Wembley this afternoon


Would love to see the admin order for that.
Wonder where the HLZ has been designated for?

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