As I don’t have time to dig out the chapter and verse on this can someone give me a quick run down?
As I understand it they want to remain with the CCF and assist with the ATC Sqn (to be confirmed that this is the case).
Practically I don’t see an issue but I can see some admin hurdles coming.
Anything to prevent it? Anything that needs to be done to get approval?
Because someone has to say it:
A haircut?
JSP814: CFAVs may serve in more than one CF at the same time providing the Commanding Officers of the units are aware and in agreement.
JSP313: An officer who already has a commission/ appointment with one of the single-Service cadet forces may, in addition, have an appointment in the CCF provided that the conditions in sub-paras 4.3a and 4.3b above are met.
Aforementioned paras: 4.3a - They are approved by the Head (if coming to a CCF), 4.3b - They are able to do justice to both appointments and have approval from the Commanding Officer of their Reserve (in this case, cadet) unit.
I would ask them for a copy of an email from their Headteacher (if a member of school staff atop their cadet duties) & Contingent Commander (whether a member of staff or not) saying that they are happy for them to help out at an ATC squadron, and you should ask your OC Wing to check that they are happy.
Hope that clarifies.
Surely a VRT officer is a VRT officer is a VRT officer…
I could see admin hurdles if it was a CCF (Army) or (RN) bod, but if their from the CCF (RAF) then why is it any different to a VRT officer from one ATC squadron helping out at another? It’s all ACO.
(You’re going to tell me that this is a pongo type now, aren’t you?)
It’s more about extending a common courtesy to your existing CO and ensuring that the cadet experience of your current unit isn’t diluted by your desire to help elsewhere… It would be the same for an ACF Officer helping a CCF(Army) section.
[quote=“tango_lima” post=6892]Surely a VRT officer is a VRT officer is a VRT officer…
I could see admin hurdles if it was a CCF (Army) or (RN) bod, but if their from the CCF (RAF) then why is it any different to a VRT officer from one ATC squadron helping out at another? It’s all ACO.
(You’re going to tell me that this is a pongo type now, aren’t you?)[/quote]
Yes, an officer is an officer, but CCF and ATC have different chains of command - serving two masters and all that. How do we record attendance on Bader without duplicating their record for example?
[quote=“redowling” post=6899][quote=“tango_lima” post=6892]Surely a VRT officer is a VRT officer is a VRT officer…
I could see admin hurdles if it was a CCF (Army) or (RN) bod, but if their from the CCF (RAF) then why is it any different to a VRT officer from one ATC squadron helping out at another? It’s all ACO.
(You’re going to tell me that this is a pongo type now, aren’t you?)[/quote]
Yes, an officer is an officer, but CCF and ATC have different chains of command - serving two masters and all that. How do we record attendance on Bader without duplicating their record for example?[/quote]
Just get them to sign in in the visitor book.
I don’t see the difference between Pilot Officer Smith VRT visiting to help out from 123 (Anytown) Sqn ATC and Pilot Officer Smith VRT visiting to help out from St Moneybags School CCF (RAF section).
Technically the RAF sections and ATC squadrons all come under HQAC and all the officers are VRT and go through the same training. The different chain of command would only apply to CCF (Army) - even if they were helping out ACF, because they don’t share an HQ.
I agree that people should be kept in the loop for courtesy reasons, but that would be his problem, not yours.
Not true. CCF(RAF) do not come under the HQAC CoC despite HQAC liking to give that impression.
The commander of a CCF(RAF) section comes under the command of the Contingent Commander*, and the Contingent Commander under the Headteacher of the school, end of. The Headteacher is answerable to RF&C Div directly, but the powers of the latter only extend to withdrawing MOD support from the school’s CCF (and with it the right to MOD resources), not the power to tell the Head what to do.
In answer to the OP, though, it’s no big deal but I would treat the officer as a visitor. We don’t record attendance on BADER but they will (should!) have a BADER record which would indeed be duplicated and I don’t believe BADER copes well with that sort of thing…
*in our case, me, as a VR(T) officer; but the Contingent Commander could equally well be a TA(B) officer or indeed a CCF(RN) appointed officer.
Not true. CCF(RAF) do not come under the HQAC CoC despite HQAC liking to give that impression.
The commander of a CCF(RAF) section comes under the command of the Contingent Commander*, and the Contingent Commander under the Headteacher of the school, end of. The Headteacher is answerable to RF&C Div directly, but the powers of the latter only extend to withdrawing MOD support from the school’s CCF (and with it the right to MOD resources), not the power to tell the Head what to do.
In answer to the OP, though, it’s no big deal but I would treat the officer as a visitor. We don’t record attendance on BADER but they will (should!) have a BADER record which would indeed be duplicated and I don’t believe BADER copes well with that sort of thing…
*in our case, me, as a VR(T) officer; but the Contingent Commander could equally well be a TA(B) officer or indeed a CCF(RN) appointed officer.[/quote]
I did say ‘technically’.
interestingly CCF VRT will have to attend OASC if they want to transfer to the ATC side of VRT.
CCF are now the only ones not to attend Westbury/Cranwell selection
I’d not heard that - interesting. They did want to make CCF VRT go through OASC but it would have killed CCF RAF sections entirely in some cases. I suspect they weren’t willing to take the fallout from that.
On my OIC at Cranwell though, one officer was failed and RTUd, so it’s not a foregone conclusion that anyone nominated by the head will become an officer.