Cat bleed course and AFA course teaching

So i know with AFA course you can then teach EFA and YFA . But to teach the AFA course you require a seperate teaching qualification which i find frustrating and frankly ridiculous. I use to be qualified in every aspect of first aid right up to trauma management and emergency response disaster scenes.I also to teach the first aid course which was alot more comprehensive than the AFA course with rafac. But cant teach the AFA without a teaching qualification which means for our wing only the First aid officer is the only person we have who can teach it which i think he is just as frustrated about it as well.

So my first question would be is there a teaching qualification you can do within rafac to be able to do this if so where and what is it kr is it to be an external qualification.

Regarding the cat bleed course is it only the first aid officer then qualify staff on this also? Again another ridiculous rule that they cant teach cadets or staff cadets cat bleed which makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes. ACTO 026

ACTO 008

Must be registered to deliver Cat Bleed training with HQ RAFAC.

So anyone can (in theory) register to deliver the cat bleeds course, just gotta ask hq nicely.

That’s if you can get passed your Wg FA Officer :roll_eyes::man_shrugging:t2:

You need to do the train the trainer course. It’s not just asking for permission.

First Aid is definitely one that is gate kept by a lot of people!

You can get your Teaching Qual (BTEC Lvl 3) through the RAFAC in 12 weeks, at a discounted price or on the Cadet College website there is even a grant you can apply for if its still out of reach. Not just good for first aid - but for everything we do!

If you don’t get anywhere with your Wing FA then don’t be afraid to go to region. The more instructors we can get the better!

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Think i paid £80 for mine then the CWC paid me back…i want to do a level 4 at somepoint but that within the Org is a huge brick wall

Can anybody give links of where to apply for the teaching qualification that yous have mentioned and grants etc please.

Also when mentioned about the cat bleed teaching course would that be asking permission from wing FAO?

Its so stupid how they have done this to teach the AFA having 1 person on wing who can do it is crazy. I use to teach advanced first aid and trauma management etc through red cross in the past. But its useless now as stuff is out of date and didnt have to do a teaching qualification just did a trainer course etc.

It’s not about asking permission, it’s about going on a course to gain that permission. There is a train the trainer course AFAIK to deliver the cat bleeds.

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Is that a different train the trainer course that is for selivering all the mental health stuff etc. As i am doing that train the trainer course. Or is it anither course altogether.

what does the AFAIK stand for again?

AFAIK - As far as I know

As far as I know.

The thing with all that we do is it isn’t about knowing how to do X, Y or Z. Our train the trainers are focused on how to deliver it to our level. If a highly trained police firearms first aid instructor came in, they too would not be able to deliver the cat bleeds course. Not because they don’t know what they are doing, but because they don’t know the scope/level that they need to deliver at for us. It’s the same reason qualified flight instructors need to do a basic day course to deliver certain aviation stuff.

For example, we only teach trauma dressings and TQs. Nothing else. No chest seals of wound packing. We also teach a regimented way of 1 dressing, 2 dressings, then TQ. That’s our course. Never straight to TQ even if it’s an obvious arterial bleed. And there are many people, including me, who disagree with it. But that’s why train the trainers are needed, as there are a lot of people who would teach it very differently.

The course is not fit for purpose. But it is what it is.

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Yes i did do the cat bleed course recently with the AFA and yes theres not alot to the cat bleed. So just to clarify if i do this train the trainer course coming up i should then be able to deliver cat bleed?

I’m not entirely sure, ask the person who’s going to deliver the course!

@dazizian may also know more?

I was under the impression only HQ were delivering the TtT courses, but happy to corrected. I would assume you’d already need to be an AFA instructor too, but again, I don’t know, just guessing!

I hadn’t heard of a RAFAC cat bleed course. Is it available to cadets?

No cadets and staff cadets are not allow led to do this course only staff can do catastrophic bleeding course