Car sharing

As a cadet and new staff member, I found it difficult to get to meetings, events and courses without a car (especially with luggage or in uniform).

There’s been a few situations where I’ve met someone at an event or course that would have really benefited from a lift. This includes people who live nearby but attend a different squadron, people who live along the way on a long journey, or people who would really appreciate a lift for the final leg of their journey, from the nearest railway station, to avoid getting the bus with luggage or using a taxi.

I know that lots of us are happy to go slightly out of our way to help other cadets and staff (prior experience as a lift-scrounger) but there’s no way of getting in touch with people.

A wing-wide email would be daft but that’s about the only solution that I can think of.

(I know the whole thing sounds petty, but a solution would really help some people…)

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Perhaps WRO’s could advertise the fact a little more. After all it knows who’s going on what courses.
I drove all the way up to Cranwell from the South coast on my own (no one else from my Wing on the course) and could have done with the company…

i have in the past looked at the JIs for events/Staff courses and contacted those i could lift share with.

seems an obvious solution, Jis should include who is giong and from where and make contact as appropriate, works for local and on a national level

JIs work well - & also any initial correspondence from the origaniser with sqn email addresses can give an earlier indication of location.

However, depending on the cse or location, you will always have to consider who can leave from work at what time (& from where), whether or not they want to stay in any “luxury” accommodation on the Fri night, etc, or report first thing on the initial day of the cse. Depending on the cse length, some might prefer the independence of having their own car with them too.