Camp, Activity, Course and Event (CACE) Activity Process

Good point. JPA summarises my annual MMA claims (miles and amount paid), which automatically excludes HTD.


I’m pretty sure they make up the difference for me. It adds hundreds to my personal allowance and I don’t claim enough for that to only be the tax.

so you’re saying i should keep a copy of all my 1771’s and actually track them :sweat_smile:

[Cynical Hat on]

Money has gone - get used to it!
Those of us who can - will
Those of us who need the cash - won’t
Those new won’t know any better so will if they can

anything Blue/Local - no funding regardless of time/effort
anything above or non Local - CASE needed - pure numbers/cost per cadet review - no real time/effort/reward analysis

RAFAC metric is Cadets with more than 18mths service - about the time it takes to do 1st class and a full set of Blue badges :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

So, in keeping with the traditions of the parent service, expect a capability/delivery drop over a period of x years. Then if HQ think we are still maintaining numbers (cadets don’t know what they are missing) a review to see if we need the capability/delivery back.

[Cynical Hat Off]

I see on the CACE form we can do ACPS as an approved activity…

Wouldn’t want to give us a justification for using non-public funds to get cadets flying . . .

VA for AEF hurrah!
Oh hang on, AEF is only a half day activity so unless you have 3 hrs of driving you wont get your 8 hrs.

Important question, is it pronounced ‘case’ or ‘cake’?


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Without the e.

Cake, you want cake, how very dare you.

The cake is a lie.


Is that Sgt Cake

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Can we stop derailing this obvious monstrosity with humour please? It’s a very serious situation and mirth is not allowed

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Has @pEp been suborned by the HQAC anti-fun police because if you didn’t laugh you’d cry.

No, just a husk of a person in a region where so much fun has been sucked out that the vacuum has had to be fed with individuals’ own humour.

Disagree with your assessment here.

The thing that makes ACC great is precisely that we can laugh at and lampoon serious matters. Humour is a perfectly legitimate way in which people affected by serious decisions cope with the effects that those decisions have.

To remove the option to laugh at a serious decision is to remove the ability of half of this forum to deal with and process the utter and sheer incompetence that the leaders of this organisation have.

I apologise if I’ve misread your comment and you were actually being sarcastic, but to ask people not to laugh is, IMHO, quite disappointing.

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I was being sarcastic everyone, calm down.


Would have been the first time in the 21st century I’ve seen “mirth” used unironically!

Sadly, I know some people who wish they were born into a different social class and very much act like it, so I’ve heard it used unironically quite recently.

Although tbh my assessment was formed more from my comment having vanished.