Cadets Smoking

I don’t think age comes into it - teacher are not allowed to smoke on the premises of a school during their working day regardless of age. Cadets are only at squadron for 2-3hrs, wait and smoke afterwards.

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Here here :slight_smile: Completely agree with that one

Thanks for all your comments ladies and gents

Funnily enough I had cadets mention this at the Sqn tonight. They reacted with surprise when I told them that it was illegal to buy cigarettes underage but not to smoke.

I then told them that I would not tolerate them smoking in uniform whatever age they were. I am anti smoking & find it strange if cadets (& staff) cannot wait two hours to have a cigarette.

Cadet code of conduct is clear .No Smoking whilst in Uniform.

No, cadet code of conduct says no smoking in public while in uniform.

We do not allow any cadets to smoke during “cadet time”, either on parade nights or on camps, regardless of whether they are in uniform or not. This might be a bit of a bummer for cadets on annual camp if they smoke, but I don’t really sympathise. Fortunately the number of cadets who smoke these days is going down.

But the number who vape are increasing.

Next question: do you allow them to vape in the same circumstances as smoking?

No, we consider it to the the same as smoking.

Same for us, there is also specific ban on vaping in MOD buildings.

I’ve always had a no smoking in and aorund the building policy staff and cadets, for no other reasons than the smell and butts/crappy bins hanging around, long before the Corps caught up.

The only cadets I have seen as smokers are the older ones, compared to when I was a cadet even some new joiners at 13 or so smoked. It was quite open as well and no heads turned. Mind you back then we’d always have an older cadet pub night at camp and before squadron socials and no one again got bothered. Not quite sure how I’d react to cadets turning up somewhat merry to a social, like we used to.

Mind you fewer adults smoke now so youngsters don’t get the idea that it’s OK. What I don’t get is vaping, it seems to me the smoking equivalent of going to the pub and having very low alcohol beer or wine.