Evening All,
Could anyone give me some idea/guidance on the procedure for a cadet transferring between Sqn’s?
Any assistance greatly appreciated. I don’t at present have access to Bader in case anyone was going to recommend that approach. Thanks
Evening All,
Could anyone give me some idea/guidance on the procedure for a cadet transferring between Sqn’s?
Any assistance greatly appreciated. I don’t at present have access to Bader in case anyone was going to recommend that approach. Thanks
That’s the only way their records can be transferred. Quick discussion between OCs, transfer on BADER, followed by transfer of hard copy records.
The most important thing is why.
If the cadet is moving away from the area or what might be considered an easy distance to journey from their current sqn, is probably the most honest and understandable.
The actual transfer process from one to another is via Bader and a lot bloody easier than it was before, in some ways a little too easy.
Other reasons need to be looked at.
Non distance related moves are normally down to “playground” antics, which they don’t tell anyone about, until it gets too bad.
Some move as they see it as an easy route to promotion, something I have experienced and immediately burst their bubble, on both directions of move.
There is always “the grass is greener” naïve mindset as well, and most adults know that to be folly.
If this is what they want to do, the first thing is a chat with their OC and then their OC talks with their intended OC. The latter is to pass on what has happened to ensure they are aware as to why they could be getting a new cadet.
I have been approached by cadets from local sqns and when I asked have they spoken to their OC and they have said no, my first response is speak to them. This invariably stops the process. I know they haven’t as I haven’t been contacted by their OC. As a courtesy I contact their OC, that I have been approached.
I’ve also had cadets of mine approach other sqns about a move and I’ve taken no action, just to see what transpires, as at some point they will need to speak to me. If they do speak to me I look to unpick why and if they can convince me it’s not down to ‘bad blood’, I’ll progress it.
Ultimately their needs to be an agreement between the losing and gaining OCs.
I know some here will disagree with the sort of steps I suggest, but there you go.
You should also send a note to the Bader POC and ask them to put in a Service Request to get his Utilearn Account transfered as well, as this is not yet automatic.
I think an officer saying “No you cannot transfer” is not really realistic. It’s a volunteer membership so cadets can make the choice as to what squadron they attend surely.
I do agree that a transfer should be after a sit down discussion with the “losing” Squadrons OC with honest and thought out reasons. I also think the parents should attend if there are issues such as staff being lax/aggressive/rude/non professional and heavens forbid, inappropriate. That way issues can be dealt with and overcome, however the grass IS a lot greener elsewhere sometimes. Let’s face it. Some Squadrons lack direction, positive outlook and fail miserably when compared to others in their vicinity. Why shouldn’t a young person make their own mind up where they feel the best experience is?
Of course if the "receiving Squadron has a waiting list then fair enough, hard choices might need to be made but in the end will a cadet who doesn’t like where they are stay and be retained? Not likely.
Don’t forget to decide whether kit needs returning such as waterproof greens which might be in short supply.
Other than that I agree with ghe2 and his process. Both OC’s need to co-operate and be aware why and if possible resolve any issues.
The one thing that Bader won’t transfer is their Ultilearn account. You’ll need to get your Wing Ultilearn/Bader POC to swap that over to the new squadron, or your OC will forever be getting password requests from ex-cadets.
Thanks guys, much appreciated.
I do agree with briank on the points made. The cadet lives about equi-distance from both the Sqns in question, but due to problems with travel, cannot get to their current Sqn on a Tuesday but would be able to get to the other.
It’s not a great situation, but one that if the cadet were allowed to transfer I think might offer them a much better opportunity to shine.
Thanks again