Cadet Portal & Sharepoint issues

Hey, is anyone else suffering issues re: getting on to portal through civvie devices, or know what may have caused it/will fix it/have an email address I can get support from? Opening portal on incognito does work but I would rather not have to do that if another solution is available.

Thanks in advance

Are you trying to access from overseas? Or do you have a VPN on that might make it think you are away from the UK?

I know a while ago they changed some security things so certain areas of Bader could only be accessed in the UK.

Also I’ve seen loads of SMS related issues over the last week, so it might just be that!

I don’t think SMS has worked once in 2 weeks. That’s certainly what it feels like.


No, accessing from my mobile at home - maybe because I end up using it a lot to check for new events and to use the pictures of badges for sideshows. I honestly have no idea beyond that.

The sharepoint links on portal have been inaccessible for a short while now anyway

I got that exact screen trying to use SMS earlier in the week.

The whole lot has been pants every time I’ve tried to use it recently, but guess who’s on the hook for the whinging when things aren’t done in time?


Yeah I just had this problem on my Mac. No idea why.

Same, I shall not pass.

Too many updates, not enough staff, broken code evwrywhere.


Glad to know its not just me - anyone know the email it is referring to?

I doubt they’d listen to me, I’ve never had any contact back for any of the onsite feedback but if any of you find it, it would be appreciated.

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Include your Cadet Portal username, and I’d also include the “ray ID” field as well as the page you were trying to access.

Much appreciated

Slight issue

It’s Not

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Thanks @JoeBloggs :person_facepalming:

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There were Cloudflare issues over the past 2 days but they were mostly with file uploads and should now be resolved.

Multiple 500 errors at times of high load (evenings) since an update on 20 Feb, the team are investigating and working to resolve this.

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