But any non attendance that is registered via Cadet Portal will be deemed as Authorised as we can’t force them to come… just looking for them to have ownership on informing us.
Where are the Wing Cdrs in all this?
If they get the message from Sqn Cdrs that something is nonsense, they should be making these views known to RCs and they similarly up the chain and get it revoked.
Or would this go against the top down we know best, although we don’t really have a clue about Air Cadets, system?
Same with DofE. I feel like we push it down cadets throats. I hated it as a cadet.
A lot of voluntary things in this organisation doesn’t feel quite so voluntary… more like voluntold.
Indeed, but my point was that unlike a single option in classification training, at least with PTS they’ve got a wide choice.
Isn’t this basically turning into a similar model to the star ACF system? Combination of theoretical and practical “qualifications” to reach a certain level?
Bottom line.
It’s just more matrices and metrics which can be monitored by the adminer morons at HQAC.
2nd further bottom line.
They can go procreate themselves. Repeatedly. With a sharp stick.
They know little else. I can’t think how we’ve managed for so long without all the matrices. I don’t recall ever feeling like things were going wrong … except an increasingly mindless and obsessive management mind set at Cranwell.
@Valiant at least DofE is useful and recognisable on a CV or job/uni application, unlike everything else and silver is more than doable by Easter of Yr 12 for those that do it.
I’m so against this. For Cpl, what about the cadet that starts late, is an incredible leader and can’t be promoted based on merit…Also what about the very capable cadet who struggles to pass exams…
Job jobbed. Think that settles it.
Even with that rebuttal this must have come from somewhere.
I wonder if this is the equivalent of a “think tank” proffering or backbencher ‘leaking’ a potential parliamentary policy to the press, to garner reaction.
Interesting to see how long a retraction takes.
Well having read though this thread Im so glad im no longer involved with the RAFAC (ATC) .Im most certainly glad im not an OC anymore as looking at this it seems that the tick box empire has taken over.Over the course of my service I saw some cadets promoted who should not have been and others who were not and should have been.It seem this is one more way that people who have no idea of the situation at ground level are taking away your autonomy to act.H and S quals to be promoted to cadet NCO level is madness.These kids join to have fun.Promotion aint everything and now its a tick box exercise.By the end of my time and the prime reason I resigned was that I was turning into an admin and facilities manager.It would seem with this the journey to the dark side is now complete.Bye Bye fun it was nice knowing you.
Worth noting that HQAC seem to be becoming keen on using ideas from wings, etc - so this may well be a wing policy that’s suggested for looking at further up the chain.
And if that is the case, we don’t know if these are absolute requirements or guidelines.
Absolute requirements are quatifiable which like other thinsg can be used to batter an OC or TO about whereas guidelines are not, therefore not complainable about if they are not followed.
Moderators - given that an official response has been given by the authorised comms channel and these promotion criteria have been confirmed not to be in Corps policy, can we shut this thread please?
Can we not copy some of the comment made officially into this thread so that it makes sense?
From VoV Ask The Team
Well. That kinda shuts down said rumour mill.
Clickety click.