Hi All,
im new to here,ive read through ACP10/11 and the restrictions in place for Civcom’s to raise Squadron funds with Uniformed Cadet support are very limited,almost to the point were bag packs are the only viable option.
I accept there are protection/insurance issues,just wondering if any Committees out there have found acceptable methods to use,the sole intention is to reinvest in the Cadet experience,
Not quite sure what you are driving at.
A. Fundraising,you and your committee can pretty well do anything you wish to raise funds for the squadron beside bag packs, quizes, bingo nights, car parking at events, BBQ, there is quite a list. There is a long list that was issued to wing chairs some years ago and a copy did filter its way to me, pm me if you need a copy,
B, What you cant do is take cadets in uniform out of the squadron building without prior approval from WHQ and without staff present.
C, Are you registered for Gift Aid?, you can claim 20% ( 25% ?) of your subs back from HMRC but there are a few hoops that need jumping through, for that you really need to talk to me. Once you have two GA claims that have been accepted by HMRC then you can claim Gift AId Supplementary Donations Scheme ( GASDS) on you bag pack collections, again that adds 20% or 25% to your days take. You can go back 4 tax years for GA claims and 2 years for GASDS claims.
A 40 cadet unit should raise around £600 a year if a good slice of cadet parents are signed up, its a real pain to set it up but its a few hours work a year providing your treasurer has got good records.
While undertaking cadet activities I believe that the cadets and staff are covered by the MOD who are self insuring. The CC can take out an indemnity insurance to cover them if one CC member absconds with the squadron funds, you should already be aware that all CC members are personally jointly and severally responsible for the squadrons funds.
Hope that helps.