Cadet Forces Medal Clasp

Quick question sorry as I do not have access to any ACPs at moment - What is the correct position for the first clasp on the Cadet Forces medal -

I assume its down as low as you can get it but can anyone give me the exact positioning ?

Many thanks


The correct position is in the middle of the ribband. Not down low like the clasps on the service medals.
Though Iā€™ve seen them mounted in various places.

[quote=ā€œAP1358 Ch 8ā€]
0832. Mounting. ā€¦Bars and clasps are to be affixed so that they are equidistant from the top and bottom of the ribandā€¦[/quote]

In the spirit of looking for an appropriate existing thread topic rather than starting yet-another new ā€˜duplicateā€™ one: I have a genuine question regarding the CFM bar / clasp.

Whilst it is universally-understood that entitled individuals who are fully-eligible to be awarded a particular medal can (and do) wear the ribbon and miniature of that medal prior to being presented with the medal itself: does that logic also extend to the wearing of bars on medal ribbons (or rosettes on ribbon tapes) in advance of the bar itself being issued/presented?

I know everyone in the Cadet Forces is now traditionally expected to wait almost forever to be issued with any form of medals (initial eligibility being only one part of the overall process) but the slow rate at which such recognitions are being processed makes me wonder whether Iā€™ll be looking for my second bar before I even get my first.

I appreciate the definitive answer to this question may well lie deep within a relevant JSP, but I considered the odds are such that someone on this forum will already know the answer, or have an experienced insight into the real-world custom & practise on this point.

An utterly-trivial question in the larger scheme of things: but I definitely would like one tiny glimmer of positivity in my life right now (and by that I mean an informed steer as to whether the bar / rosette is or is not worn in advance of the actual award itself being presented, as I might not be around when that happens).

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The principle should be yes.

Whether or not you technically have to wait until your eligibility has been confirmed on the system is another thingā€¦

But Iā€™d say if itā€™s clear cut and you know youā€™ve qualified for something, crack on.

The answer to that last bit would be whether those receiving state honours have it recorded on JPA the moment the announcement goes live. As civilians donā€™t have JPA, Iā€™d therefore say the moment you qualify is all that matters.

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Likewise I donā€™t have a definitive answer, but the above makes perfect sense.

You can wear your Coronation Medal Ribbon/Miniature from now if youā€™ve been told you will be getting it. So the same principle would apply across the board.

That being said I never had any confirmation around either my CFM or my Clasp until it had turned up at WHQ to be presented/posted so wouldnā€™t have been in a position to wear based on the above criteria.

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Last was due in April 2023 was advised and state i was due it in May 2023.
Only after asking in June as to its whereabouts, was told low priority but Wing had, it two options was given to me 1. could send in post to me within few days 2. could be present to me formally at the Lord Lieutenants presentation in Oct 2024, why would I want to what another 5 months.
More so when attending function without correct medals

Personally, I would accept the offer of the formal presentation (the event will be worth the wait, plus networking) and in the meantime, as the award has been confirmed, you can put the rosette on your ribbon and the clasp on your miniature.

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May I make a suggestion? Iā€™m quite passionate about this sort of thing.

I think you should suggest that:

  1. The awards are dispatched to the recipient immediately.

  2. All recipients are then invited to the next Lord-Lieutenantā€™s awards night where they can be formally acknowledged and ā€œfake presentedā€ a replica medal / bar.

This enables the volunteer to receive and wear their award at the earliest opportunity (retention-positive because itā€™s expedient) while also being directly valued by an invitation to a formal presentation (retention-positive because itā€™s a tangible gesture).

This post has inspired me to make this suggestion formally, as what you describe happens in the regular services too, to a degree.


Excellent idea. mind you at most LL presentation we are swamp by ACF presentations