Cadet equivalent of No5's

So i have my VGS Squadron dining in night coming up soon and i’ve been told to wear No5s or equivalent. i’ve asked around and i’ve been qiven different responses from different people as to what the cadet equivalent is.
So i thought i’d ask you guys what you think.

Officially, there isn’t a direct cadet equivalent of No5 dress. No5 Mess Dress and No4 Optional Mess Dress are for staff only (though this gets ignored of course)

No4 dress is No1 dress but with a white Marcellas shirt and black bow tie and that gets used by some.
The most direct equivalent based on what a cadet would normally have (and which some units wear) would be No2 trousers/skirt, white marcellas shirt, black bow tie, beret!

If you ask me though, the cadet equivalent of mess dress would be highland dress or a suit with shirt/tie for the guys or a suitable dress for the ladies.

The staff at your VGS should know that Cadets dont have No5’s.

The best thing to do is ask them what they want you to wear instead but I dont think you could go wrong with what incubus has put forward.

If you dont have a suit and cant afford one go with No2 with whit shirt and tie I cant see an issue with these options

I just stick to what the cadets have got, i.e. 2A SD with the option for the female cadets to wear a suitable dress etc…

Agreed! Works for us too and stops them looking like they should be waiting on.

That’s what we do.
But keep a look out for that old chestnut “Cadets are not allowed to eat in wedgwoods”.

I’ve had two separate people from totally different areas of the country say that to me… :?
I put them both straight, but where do these oddities come from?

That is a new one to me! :slight_smile:

And I thought I’d heard it all!

Can’t eat in Wedgwoods indeed. I hope that doesn’t include No 2B, or I’m going to end up very hungry on camp.

i can imagine it coming from some over zealous staff member not wanting baked beans down a Cadets top pre-photo or parade and the best way to stop it happening is to be avoid the potential for the situation every occuring!

and like a selection of “policies” are blown up Chinese Whispers which somehow become “common knowledge” and the “norm”!!

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10927]That’s what we do.
But keep a look out for that old chestnut “Cadets are not allowed to eat in wedgwoods”.

I’ve had two separate people from totally different areas of the country say that to me… :?
I put them both straight, but where do these oddities come from?[/quote]

Sounds like rubbish, however, it isn’t as sensible to eat dinner with a long tie and no jacket as it is to wear a bow tie.

I prefer the option of no2 trousers, white shirt, black bow tie. I did attend a unit which preferred the cadets to wear suits or dinner suits. I didn’t like it, as most of them had to buy a suit especially for the dinner, at a time which they are growing quite a lot.

It’s also closest to the band option of salon dress.

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10927]That’s what we do.
But keep a look out for that old chestnut “Cadets are not allowed to eat in wedgwoods”.

I’ve had two separate people from totally different areas of the country say that to me… :?
I put them both straight, but where do these oddities come from?[/quote]

Really?? Some numpties actually believe that cadets aren’t allowed to eat whilst wearing wedgewood shirts?! :lol: That is the best one that I’ve heard for a while.