Cadet CVs

Is the cadet CV thing (ATCO 3) still ongoing? If so, does anybody bother?

Although they are fairly basic, I thought it might be nice to issue them as I have quite a few cadets who qualify.

I believe they are still available in their original form, though we’ve never managed to get anybody who actually qualified or who even seemed bothered about them.

The Cadet CV is being re-imagined so as to be an actual, useful document akin to a CV and containing some actual details. It will still be of little interest to most employers.

I got one of these about 6/7 years ago when I was a cadet. It sits in the folder I have with all of my qualifications - somewhere between my food hygiene certificate and European Computer Driving Licence - and in almost a dozen job interviews I haven’t shown it once.

In my experience, most prospective employers prefer you to actually talk to them about what you did in the Corps, what skills you learnt, etc. than read a sheet of paper which (at least in it’s current form) doesn’t tell them very much.

The majority of what is in a cadet CV should form part of the personal profile of a CV and any proper qualifications achieved sit within the other qualifications part of a CV.

My children had their ‘achievement folders’ from school (with all manner of tat) and not one employer ever asked to see them and now they have had a job they sit in the loft with other childhood relics.

A product of today’s “everyone gets a certificate” society in my personal opinion. I remember getting certificates on camp just for turning up! One was even laminated. When I became staff I was determined to revalue certificates to those who actually win something, and even then awards were reduced to the main ones. As an OC I ask my cadets if they wanted one of these NRA inserts and most of them said they don’t use the NRA folder as employers wanted CVs.

After seeing this post i went searching for it on Bader…Sure enough it is the same process as ordering certificates etc…just a different application form. I ordered one and received it back within 7 days. Looks pretty good too…