Cadet CV via Bader SMS: printable or not?

In connection with that new (to me, anyway) excellent and intriguing tab which has appeared within SMS Cadet section, named “CV”.

Am I missing something obvious or being stupid, but, why isn’t there an imbedded send-to-print option?

Might I have a browser problem? Or is this a universal situation by inexplicable design??

Isn’t there an export to pdf option?

Not that I could Firefox find. Can any intrepid Internet Explorers confirm or deny this logical PDF expectation?

Equally, no Save As option was evident to me…

You need to do this in Google Chrome to get this to work correctly. This then follows exactly as per the instructions, but if you use a different browser (such as IE) it won’t work as expected.

Interesting - I evidently missed the instructions. Where might they be lurking? So, is Google Chrome the recommended browser for Bader?

The instructions were on Sharepoint announcements, I haven’t looked to see if they are still there (it was only a few weeks ago though). The first step says to specifically use Google Chrome - this is the bit that then ensures you can export to PDF, as it’s built in (not everyone will have similar tools on their pc, hence other browsers won’t necessarily do the job as expected).

Given the appalling formatting that occurs when you do you SMS on Chrome, I can’t believe this is the case.

Use chrome
Generate CV by clicking on tab and ticking boxes
Add/delete text as required by double clicking on relevant section.
Right click anywhere on CV screen and select PRINT
Select the ‘save as PDF’ option
Save as desired file name
PDF file can then be printed or sent as an attachment.


Mike, many thanks for that comprehensive response! Shall test and report
