Hi all
Where’s the best place to buy spare uniform? Of course aware of ebay and stores, but any other places useful for buying new uniform?
Hi all
Where’s the best place to buy spare uniform? Of course aware of ebay and stores, but any other places useful for buying new uniform?
Why on earth would you be buying uniform that can be issued free of charge? If cadets ask for extra trousers that I have surplus of then I’m happy to give them a set. And yes I have added our numbers on SMS so squadrons can ask if they need.
But having cadets pay out of pocket is something I’m not a fan of when it comes to uniform.
Or volunteers! But here we are, hence why I ask.
Trust me, I’ve considered alternatives.
QQ: are you CFC or SNCO, I’m assuming you’re staff based on the 04 in your name
Ahhhh I presumed with you having cadet in your username that you were actually a cadet Even staff have asked me for new trousers and jumpers.
It’s not for me, but yes I’m staff (though not born in 04)
Unfortunately we’ve explored a few options and in this particular circumstance buying makes the most sense
for CFC peeps,if it’s just spares Cadet direct is your friend
if they’re looking for higher quality, Double 2 shirts do wedgewoods
trousers don’t really come in a high quality version
Love that you’ve linked to a crew neck jumper: but the price!
Worth it !!!
well not on my wage
Personally I’d just go to stores and buy it. Clothing is much cheaper there than buying it from a surplus store at a mark up.
So true!
1972 pattern trousers are much better.
agree, why pay when its in stores.
CFC aren’t eligible for issue, especially for spares
Depends what your after and what branch. I’ve never had a problem getting kit.
I think it’s the same for every branch: it’s just that Flying Branch and Regiment officers rarely wear blues and so their usual working dress is issued rig as opposed the stuff officers have to pay for.
explains why they have the blues beret exemption
they don’t have time to get a peak fitted the 1 time they wear blues a decade
That catches me out quite a lot.
West Wales to our parent station in the West Midlands, popping into stores isn’t really an option any more.