Bronze First Aid Contents

I’ve booked onto a bronze first aid course and I can’t find anything about the contents of the course, and I want to know what I’ll be doing before turning up. Thanks


|Asthma|Communication and casualty care|Low blood sugar|
|Bleeding (minor)|Coping in an emergency|Primary survey|
|Bleeding and shock|Fainting|Recovery position|
|Bone, muscle and joint injuries|First aid kit|Resuscitation Adult & Child|
|Burns and scalds|Head injuries|Seizures|
|Chest pains|Heat exhaustion|Severe allergic reaction|

All you need to know!

It’s all on the St John’s website

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death by PowerPoint… (it’s worth it!)

This isn’t an answer to youre question however I do want to say that if you get on well with bronze first aid, I’d highly recommend doing silver if you can.

A lot of the content is the same, but goes into a bit more depth with a higher emphasis on practical work which I found very helpful!

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