This sounds good. The big sticking point could be getting people qualified through the single provider. Not being HQAC run could be good but I wonder about the cost /availability of the course
Do we have any more information on how we get qualified to run these courses? Or whether there is any online training being run at the moment to become a Bronze instructor?
We’ve run RAFAC cyber Bronze Instructor courses.
Not heard of anything else at all - not even hints or hopes.
Cyber First instructor courses are being run outside of the air cadets for other cadet forces but for some reason nothing arranged centrally through the air cadets.
There’s another re-write of the course coming. They many be holding off until that is released…
Oh, wow. QA are actually awful - no care for the individuals on their courses, 100% care for profit. They literally employ sales staff to sell kids into apprenticeships for commission.
I wonder how much money this cost the corps.
So there are 2 routes to each badge, a pure RAFAC option (except for silver) of the CyberFirst, some schools are running CyberFirst, and the Gov MOD Direction on Cyber required us to change the syllabus to include this.
I think it is highly unlikely that there will be pure RAFAC CyberFirst courses, which is find as we have an alternate internal route.
I’m waiting to see the content for the 2 x 40 min modules for Bronze cyber, I just hope it’s not still the prezi!
All Cadets need to complete the Bronze iDEA to get any Cyber badge now though.
The new course is Sharepoint. It is 4 modules that can take up to 45 minutes to complete. This is still on Prezi.
Certainly the new presentation is up to date and better but I do prefer the CyberFirst Adventurers course and I think the cadets prefer it to as its all practical and very little theory.
The CyberFirst courses are fully funded by the MOD so it doesn’t come out of the Air Cadet fund except if a course gets cancelled then it gets charged back to HQAC. I think the last I heard for a Adventurer course to be profitable there needs to be 50 cadets on the course.