Story says it all:
Story says it all:
I seem to remember reading about this a few months ago cant remember if it was on here or not?
It might well have been. It’s been all over 162’s Facebook page (and rightly so) and has been in the air cadets pages too.
Our squadron ran a charity night to raise funds for her, I think the grand total came to something like £120.
Good effort!
How many ATC sqns are there? £50 donation from each, &/or £5 from each member of staff?
Thanks is much for your kind words and some of the donations to this cause.
For those here that don’t know me (not many of you) you’ll know that Harriet is one of my cadets and it amazes me how the people in t he ACO rally around for something like this.
Thank you once again.
Is there any current “separate” fund-raising outside of the linked Just Giving website link?
If not, considering the number of ATC sqns in the UK, the pledge total so far is little disappointing…
[quote=“MikeJenvey” post=11717]Good effort!
How many ATC sqns are there? £50 donation from each, &/or £5 from each member of staff?[/quote]
I applaud the efforts to raise money for this cadet, however Mike Jenvy I do object to the tone of your posts on the subject, insinuating that we should all contribute just because of the tenuous association through the ACO is going a little far. Also, I think that your sums are someway off for suggested contributions against the target to buy 2 limbs (not 6).
Just my thoughts…
[quote=“MikeJenvey” post=12066]Is there any current “separate” fund-raising outside of the linked Just Giving website link?
If not, considering the number of ATC sqns in the UK, the pledge total so far is little disappointing…[/quote]
Seeing as the target was £500 and its more than £1300 id say its done pretty well.
You cant expect evryone to give cash to the cause some people just simply cant afford it is a fact of life if I gave money to every fund raising event I would be skint.
The final amount is a lot higher - from the Just Giving site:
[quote]We need to raise funds to buy two prosthetic limbs, the total cost for the two limbs is £16,000. One is a social leg, which appears exactly as her right leg. The second limb is a cycling leg, which will enable Harriet to cycle. As Harriet has always wanted to do cycling and never been able to.We have already raised £4.700.00. We need to raise £11.300.00. So we do still have a way to go.
It’s not a “tenuous” association, She is a cadet & therefore “one of our own.” If I have prompted one extra person to donate, then it has been worth it - obviously, no dosh is a limiting factor!
I’ve also been trying to get a “sponsor” of sorts, but don’t know how successful that will be.