Blue, Bronze Radio Training

Ah, but did the OP mean “ATC” as in “Air Traffic Control”, or “ATC” as in “Air Training Corps”?
Given the context, the subject line and the environment, I’d tend towards the latter :slight_smile:

Perhaps that could be clarified - RAFAC is probably more appropriate anyhow.

I see WestlandScout thought Air Traffic too.

First rule of comms - ensure your message is unambiguous :wink:

@Squadgy - that’s another can of worms you’re opening there - I got told off for using RAFAC instead of ATC recently - despite my rank slides having the former on them!

Depends that you are referring to. “RAFAC” would seem appropriate as the use of the procedures is at least as wide as that organisation. “air cadet”, “cadet” or “military” would work too.

To everyone, I did mean ATC as in Air Training Corps (RAFAC) not Air Traffic Control in the original post so sorry for the ambiguity there and well spotted Squadgy!.

Thanks for all your many replies on here as well as my Squadron Training email account. They have all been useful with a couple of people offering help in the production of some audio clips which in my daytime job as a software developer I can put into some useful training format and MAYBE release it to those of you who could make use of it.

One point arises from this however and that is the need to pre-script the audio with actors as opposed to recording live conversations which would contravene MOD rules. In which case despite talking to some military operators I am still a little confused about as the official procedures do vary quite a lot from real life. I rightly or wrongly tend to stick to the Aviation form of radio which is well defined as stated in CAP 413 but at odds to the RAFAC requirement(s) in many situations, for instance the use of QSY.

Once again thanks for the help guys and I will keep you all informed on progress when appropriate.

DE G0ZAP (OK, it’s CW but I’m an old wrinkly!!)
73 and 88 (to the ladies)… Please don’t relate that to being sexist!!!


Hi Dave, just throwing in my two cents.
If you were to put together some sort of training material, it might be worth looking at using Articulate which is the interactive e-learning production tool of choice for HQAC as they move forwards with scrapping Ultilearn.

By putting something together with Articulate, there is a good chance that HQAC would adopt it and role it out nationally . . .

Looks good but $1299 per user annually is a little too high for me I’m afraid!


yes, but a 28 day free trial . . .

You refer to cap 413 daily…

I wouldn’t mind betting that even the CCF(RAF) - being so often heavily under Army control - are learning Land Component procedures.
It would not surprise me if the Air Training Corps are the only ones still using Allied Comms 125F procedures.

Only if Mrs J ignores me… :grin:

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It probably doesn’t help that the content of the already dull & powerpoint based blue course is repeated at Bronze level.

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^^^This = amen

there is not a large step between First Class, Blue and Bronze level Radio training/competence.

At first class i would expect a Cadet to be handed a radio have enough confidence to use it.
I am not sure what I would expect from a Blue or Bronzed badge radio operator over and above this other than “experience” - but a single day course is not experience, it only shows enough interest in radio to complete the course.

There are additional elements added to the blue and bronze course material, but these are only of use if talking to another blue or bronze operator.

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There is a reason for the repetition. But I agree the course could be made more interactive and accessible.

Care to offer that reason??

Cadets are walking, talking amnesiacs?

More sincerely, radio seems to be quite problematic in terms of skills and knowledge fade without regular practice.

It is

Fair question.
It’s to ensure consistency and to counter skills fade.
However consistency should be handled by correct teaching of the BRC Blue course.
But because Cadets can obtain Blue by doing First Class then an assessment it relies on correct teaching at Sqn level and then refreshers.
This is purely my personal view but I would simplify the 1st Class Radio element and then put a contact time requirement in for Blue as a stand-alone course. Bronze could then have some of the theory revision removed and have more structured practice sessions. We see a big jump between Bronze and Silver in our neck of the woods.

A quick refresher exercise could be done at the start of a Bronze course rather than having a large proportion of the course based on revision. If it’s taught and assessed properly at blue level (which in my experience it almost never is) then there wouldn’t be as much of a need for revision anyway.

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in my experience the first practical exercise in the blue course and the first in the Bronze course there is little difference in competency…because of the skill fade as mentioned by @WestlandScout , the first exercise is often sketchy understandable for the blue course, but for the Bronze is a case of blowing away the cobwebs. In both cases by the end of the day there is a clear improvement but a bigger leap with the Bronze course.

however the repetition of the theory in the lesson material is frustrating for me. I have in the past taught a blue course Saturday and Bronze course Sunday and wondered on the Sunday if i had the correct Bronze slides or a Ver2 Blue slides!