I saw recently a few people highlighting on-going success in regards to getting Big Lotto (Awards for all) funding. Can folks give some pointers in how they fulfil the following requirement from Lotto:
"It’s important to us that you involve your community in the design, development and delivery of the activities you’re planning, so please tell us how you have done this. We believe this will help your project to be better supported by the energy and strengths that exist within your community and it is more likely to be successful as a result. By community, we mean people living in your local area, people who share a common interest, or people who experience similar barriers or issues".
Success for the award in the last 6 or so months seems to be down and is currently only at 37%. The following statement highlights the importance of involving the community:
" At 37%, the success rate for [National Lottery Awards for All Scotland] has fallen again recently. This is due to another increase in the number of applications we’ve received over the last three months. This makes it all the more important to make sure your community is involved in the design and delivery of the work you want us to fund – as this is one of the most important factors in improving your chances."
Any help is appreciated as I would like to submit an application ASAP for a project we have in mind to modernise classroom/ learning in the Sqn
Sorry to say but awards for all Scotland rejected our recent application and will probably do so to you. Basically we do not qualify as we were an already established organisation and they were looking to fund new projects only.
We did cover in our description: for the community and involved people with disabilities, minority groups, even some of it was STEM but it was still a no as we were an established organisation.
My suggestion would be to call them and discuss before proceeding into the paperwork.
Also a single projector?? You may be better to expand that to a couple of projectors, some notebooks and try and get the most out of the £10k that is what they advised to us previously when applying for a grant where we were successful.
Many thanks for this. The money would be for a project to modernise our main classroom both in design and equipment (not just 1 projector lol) making it more of an active learning space opposed to just being a drab classroom.
Don’t sell it as doing up a class room
Work out away in which you use all the “buzz” words
STEM, disadvantaged backgrounds, disabilities…
Look also online and search the awards for all website for other air cadet units, it will list the reason they used for items and if you see a sqn that got similar it may be an idea to drop them an email and ask them for a copy their blurb