Becoming Uniformed staff

Hi, I was recently approached by my old OC and asked if i wanted to join as staff.
I have agreed and ill definitely be joining.
In short my question is: Do i have to be a CI before i can go into uniform as an SNCO? I know you have to be a CI or SNCO for a period before commissioning but im not too sure about SNCOs .

Follow up question: Please could someone breakdown the training and recruitment process for officers and SNCOs


In short, no, you can join directly has an SNCO.

Recruitment will be via the ā€˜joinā€™ portal. Email sent to you, fill out all your details etc.

Various forms and bits to do, but should be easy enough if youā€™re talked through the process. The policy is here:

Thereā€™s more pages, but that covers the main bits.

And also, if you meet certain criteria as an ex cadet, then you can also go direct to officer. Albeit that is not recommended generally. The criteria is here:

So if youā€™re under 25 and reached the rank of at least Sgt, you can in theory go direct officer.

Fantastic, thank you very much :slight_smile:

Although, just because the policy says you can go direct, that doesnā€™t mean that local ā€œrulesā€ arenā€™t in place which will force you to do some time as a CI.

Congratulations on taking that first step.

As an ex-cadet myself and now fortunate to run my old unit, while it can certainly be a lot of hard work, the payoff is huge.

Itā€™s easily the most rewarding thing Iā€™ve ever done.

For many cadets, this organisation is a significant part of their lives. Never underestimate the power you have as a uniformed volunteer to really enhance that experience for them and leave them with very positive and lasting memories.


yeah thatā€™s understandable.

Sorry if Iā€™m on the wrong part of the forum Iā€™ve done the jump and joined the air cadet Iā€™ve come from 27 years military service . Iā€™m currently a. CI been thinking of going on a ssic course . can anyone put me in the loop to what happens there .
Thanks in advance

SSIC hasnā€™t run for a couple of years.
The equivalent is the Combined Initial Course.

You would need to be in uniform ahead of attending.
The best bet is to chat to your squadron staff about transitioning into uniform - thereā€™s a wing board to get through, if nothing else.

In terms of what CIC covers:

  • Some drill / uniform inspections
  • Some presentation skills
  • Safeguarding
  • Security
  • Safety

Iā€™m sure someone else whoā€™s been more recently than I can expand a bit.

Is there one of those bad boys for the commission route?

Yes, itā€™s all in ACP 20, which is available on SharePoint. If you donā€™t have Bader access yet, ask your unit staff and they can show you.

Only major difference is that we officers have to suffer through an extra interview at Region level, and obviously theyā€™re looking for officer qualities rather than those of an NCO.

But, especially if youā€™re looking to commission, go have a chat about it with your squadron staff. Itā€™s a pretty big step in this organisation, and it would probably change your on-squadron responsibilities, so donā€™t rush into it.

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