Since moving Sqn’s I have had a busy time and not really settled properly yet at my new one. With this in mind,please could someone tell me about access to Bader whilst at home or on the go (as this is all I seem to do now!)
Do I need to get my Sqn to set me up an account? Or, can this be done elsewhere by someone at my old Sqn who did originally set me up an account.
I’m not 100% sure how things are set up as far as Sharepoint is concerned. If I have access to Bader do I have access to Sharepoint automatically? Can I get access to items such as PAM’s and the like with just Bader or do i need to have SMS as well?
Sorry got to go now. My head is about to explode!!
Any assistance would be welcome
SMS is just stats - it holds cadet and staff records.
Access to Sharepoint will give you accuess to documentation and some PAMs.
If you use the generic password, it will get you into mail and sharepoint. You’ll need a separate account set up for SMS which your OC can do for you. If you had an old account, you might be able to log in to it with whatever details they set you up with and provided they’ve transferred you on there, you won’t need to do anything else.
and for Ultilearn (where everything classifications is stored (powerpoint slides, instructor notes and the exams themselves)no need to remember your password, in my experience you’ll get issued one, use it once then it will become invalid
request a new one and it will work, once…then it will become invalid,