Good afternoon,
I have just discovered this site so thought I’d say hello.
Just joining a Squadron in Mercia Wing after a while procrastinating.
My history in a nutshell is…
1979-1989 - Cadet ranks, 99 (Folkestone) Squadron, Kent Wing
1989-1999 - RAF Regiment (1 Sqn and Queens Colour Squadron)
1999- present - Police Service - Firearms all my career
Can’t wait to give back to where I started and get back into a blue RAF uniform again.
Welcome! Glad you’ve joined us. Sounds like you have a wealth of experience and a vast skill set to bring to the organisation.
Welcome back! Here’s hoping your squadron is able to open soon!
Good to see another Rock on here, raises the tone!
Three rockapes on ACC - we’ll soon be taking over the entire RAFAC… 
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The “Regiment Mafia”, as I have heard them called, already occupy quite a lot of posts at HQAC…
That explains why everything that comes out of there looks like it’s been written with chewed up crayons. 
Unemployable in anything other than an institutionalised setting. 

But back to point.