AVIP booklet

So, I think I found the correct AVIP booklet on SharePoint.

I have a few questions

According to the induction, as a new CI, I only complet the first two sections. However, the latter sections that are meant for staff cadets seem more relevant to new CI (ie learning names of cadets etc…surely a staff cadet will already know this?!)

Secondly, the LOs for each section don’t seem to align with the questions. Ie it states in the section introduction that you have to describe the role of FS and VGS… Get all the question boxes lead with the verb identify!

It also uses the term ATC as well as RAFAC?! Surely it should use one or the other?!

The RAFAC is made up of two branches; The Air Training Corps (community based squadrons) and RAF sections of the Combined Cadet Force (based in schools/school time).

The RAFAC refers to all things common between us, but some things are ATC or CCF specific.


See…you’d think that would be something that they should get me to learn!


It’s something that many who’ve been in since the change of ‘ACO’ to ‘RAFAC’ can’t seem to grasp…

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