ATC drug policy

Police were involved and they dropped the issue

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We do not. As i know for a fact due to the experience in question

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Unfortunately my psychologist was the one saying my (rare) use was ok so i dont see @ rehab being involved

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I have had occasion to physically remove a Sqn Ldr from a Beer Tent on an event - many years ago now !


Over 18 cadets do have to have a DBS as they shsre the same responsibilities as cfavs !

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Well……you say that but hasn’t that been the confusion recently?


Under 18’s dong and based upon the rumoured new policy neither with over 18’s

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Not in my simple brain - they are adults (they should really be CFAV at 18).


I would honestly prefer school leaver age (which I know would still cause cross border problems). It avoids a potential situation of a CFAV on a squadron who is a teacher having to share accommodation with an U6 former from their school who happens to be on the same squadron.