Artificial Intelligence solution to improve RAFAC

I asked ChatGPT to analyse a number of key threads & asked it to come up with a plan to help fix RAFAC. Use of different threads may produce different results but if an AI can analyse the forum, & come up with a plan it might help get us all on the same page.

The response is exceptionally long, so will post on a new topic so it doesn’t clutter the other threads.

I’ve not read it all through yet so please don’t shoot the messenger but feel free to debate its suggestions

Enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:

Analysis of Problems and Common Themes

After examining the threads from Air Cadet Central, several key issues and common themes emerge regarding the current state and challenges faced by the RAF Air Cadets (RAFAC):

  1. Disconnection from the RAF:

    • There is a recurring theme that the Air Training Corps (ATC), part of RAFAC, may have outgrown its parent organization, the RAF. This disconnection is seen as creating a drift between the RAFAC’s original purpose and its current operations, leading to questions about the relevance and alignment of the RAFAC’s mission with the RAF.
  2. Decline in Recruitment and Retention:

    • A significant concern across multiple threads is the decline in recruitment and retention of both cadets and adult volunteers (Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers, or CFAVs). This decline is attributed to factors such as outdated practices, lack of engagement, increasing administrative burdens, and a general disinterest among today’s youth in traditional cadet activities.
  3. Organizational and Leadership Challenges:

    • The RAFAC is facing leadership and management issues, particularly highlighted in certain regions like the Southwest Region. There are concerns about poor decision-making, lack of support, and a bureaucratic approach that is stifling innovation and responsiveness.
  4. Strategic Uncertainty and Lack of Direction:

    • The RAFAC appears to lack a clear strategic direction, especially in adapting to the rapidly changing interests of young people. The “RAFAC Astra” initiative, intended to modernize the organization, is mentioned but is not clearly understood or effectively implemented, contributing to uncertainty and frustration among members.
  5. Cultural Resistance to Change:

    • There is a cultural challenge within the organization, characterized by resistance to change and an entrenched mindset that favors traditional methods over innovation. This cultural resistance is seen as a barrier to adopting new strategies and improving the experience for cadets and volunteers.
  6. Operational Strain and Resource Constraints:

    • The operational burden on CFAVs and other staff, combined with limited resources, is creating significant strain. This is leading to burnout, decreased morale, and a reduction in the quality of programs offered to cadets.
  7. Erosion of Core Values and Identity:

    • The discussion around the “Pillars” thread suggests a concern that the core values and identity of the RAFAC are being eroded. There is a perceived shift away from the foundational principles that have historically guided the organization.

Action Plan

Strategic Level

Objective: Re-establish RAFAC’s strategic alignment with the RAF, while adapting to modern challenges and reaffirming its core values.

  1. Strategic Realignment and Visioning:

    • Conduct a comprehensive strategic review to redefine the RAFAC’s mission, vision, and core values, ensuring they are aligned with the RAF’s objectives while also resonating with contemporary youth.
    • Clarify the goals and scope of the “RAFAC Astra” initiative, ensuring it is communicated effectively across the organization and integrated into the overall strategic plan.
  2. Strengthening RAFAC-RAF Integration:

    • Develop stronger ties with the RAF, ensuring that RAF personnel are actively involved in RAFAC activities, mentoring programs, and leadership development. This will help maintain the relevance of the RAFAC within the RAF’s broader mission.
  3. Innovative and Targeted Recruitment Campaigns:

    • Launch a dynamic recruitment campaign that leverages social media, digital marketing, and community outreach to attract both cadets and CFAVs. The campaign should emphasize the unique opportunities within RAFAC, such as leadership training, adventure, and connection to aviation.
  4. Revitalize Core Values:

    • Reaffirm the core values that define RAFAC, integrating them into all levels of training, communication, and strategic initiatives. This will help rebuild the organization’s identity and purpose.

Tactical Level

Objective: Improve organizational efficiency, leadership effectiveness, and volunteer support to create a more resilient and adaptive RAFAC.

  1. Leadership Development and Accountability:

    • Implement leadership development programs tailored for CFAVs and senior cadets, focusing on modern leadership skills, strategic thinking, and adaptability.
    • Establish clearer accountability mechanisms for leadership roles, particularly in regions facing significant challenges. This may involve leadership changes or the introduction of oversight teams to support underperforming areas.
  2. Streamlining Operations and Reducing Bureaucracy:

    • Review and streamline administrative processes to reduce the burden on CFAVs and other volunteers. Implement digital solutions where possible to improve efficiency and reduce paperwork.
    • Introduce a feedback loop for CFAVs to regularly provide input on operational issues, allowing for more responsive and agile management.
  3. Volunteer Retention and Support Programs:

    • Develop retention strategies that include recognition programs, professional development opportunities, and wellness support for CFAVs.
    • Ensure that volunteers have access to the resources they need to perform their roles effectively, including training, equipment, and financial support where necessary.
  4. Encouraging a Culture of Innovation:

    • Promote a culture that values innovation and flexibility. Encourage squadrons to pilot new initiatives, with successful programs being scaled across the organization.
    • Provide forums and platforms for sharing best practices and innovative ideas within the RAFAC community.

Operational Level

Objective: Enhance the day-to-day experience of cadets and volunteers by optimizing resources, improving program quality, and fostering a supportive environment.

  1. Resource Optimization and Allocation:

    • Implement a centralized system to better manage and allocate resources, ensuring that all squadrons have the necessary tools and materials to deliver high-quality programs.
    • Prioritize funding and support for activities that directly impact cadet engagement and development, such as adventure training, flying opportunities, and STEM initiatives.
  2. Improving Communication and Transparency:

    • Enhance internal communication systems to ensure that all members are well-informed about organizational developments, strategic initiatives, and available resources.
    • Regularly update CFAVs and cadets on the progress of strategic initiatives like RAFAC Astra, fostering a sense of inclusion and transparency.
  3. Program Revitalization and Modernization:

    • Modernize cadet programs to include contemporary skills and knowledge areas such as digital literacy, cybersecurity, and environmental stewardship.
    • Focus on experiential learning, ensuring that cadet programs are engaging, relevant, and challenging, thus increasing retention and satisfaction.
  4. Operational Excellence and Support:

    • Establish regional support teams to provide on-the-ground assistance to squadrons facing operational challenges. These teams can offer training, resources, and mentorship to help struggling units improve their performance.
    • Regularly assess the operational health of squadrons through audits and reviews, ensuring that issues are identified and addressed promptly.


The RAFAC is at a critical juncture where strategic, tactical, and operational changes are needed to address the significant challenges it faces. By realigning its strategic goals with those of the RAF, modernizing recruitment and retention efforts, enhancing leadership and organizational efficiency, and revitalizing its core values, the RAFAC can secure a sustainable and successful future. This action plan provides a roadmap to navigate the complex issues identified and steer the organization towards growth and renewed relevance.

Looks like it’s just summarised the thoughts of various people in various threads with the cumulative best case scenario that a number have put forward in parts.

Obviously it was always going to be limited, but it has no allowance for the willingness (or lack thereof) of the RAF to embrace and enact any of those changes, not to mention the budget that enable those changes to happen.

Nice thing to see, but I don’t think it’s ground breaking, innovative, new, or particularly interesting.

And as you said, cherry picking the threads means it’s essentially an echo chamber.

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TBH I didn’t think it would even work! Might try asking to look at all threads & see what it comes up with (probably produce an error that goes “++???++ Out of Cheese Error. Redo From Start”)

ChatGPT appears to use Operational and Tactical the wrong way around.

My fault as emergency services go Strategic => Tactical => Operational where the military swap the other two hence SCG & TCG mtgs.

Although I did hear that the military was realigning with the emergency service’s terminology due to avoiding confusion when working under MACA & JESIP.

I can’t see the terminology working that way round in the military context when tactics / TTPs are things that small units employ on the ground and op names are theatre-wide.

There has been some work looking at Microsofts AI to see if it can help with admin burden reduction. Letting it read the ACP Doc store and then answer questions for you is one example I saw. I’m sure it will appear at some point.

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Just give it ACP1358 & ACP 828 and you make WWOs redundant :laughing:

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If it appears before SMS is dead, our priorities are wrong.

Yes but shiny shiny gimmicky gimmicks always come first remember.

This only works if the policy is good. Currently if you asked it certain things there would be 3 possible answers as policy contradicts it’s self regularly.

But the system its self works quite well. I saw someone made an F1 version. Fed it all the FIA rule books, and then you could ask it complex questions about F1 rules and car specs and it would give good answers with rule references.


Fine until it turns out that there was IBN that overrides the ACP.

I would rather just have a useful search function in SharePoint, but Microsoft be doing Microsoft things again.