Applying to be an officer from a CI

How long do you have to be a CI for minimum before you can apply to go into uniform as an officer usually? How do you go about doing it?

People usually give it 6-9 months initially before looking at a uniform pathway.

Discuss it with your OC who will be able to give you the guidance on how your Wing manages applicants as there can often be local nuances to how it works.


All dependent if you were a cadet in the corps or not previously as if so and reached Sgt or above the time “served” counts to reduce the time needed to wait. Currently its 12 months served as a CI minimum most Wings have a “pre-uniform introduction” course which if your Wing has definitely ask about it with your OC. If you have been a cadet the time at CI is as little as 6 months to uniform. Although not trying to put you off any form of uniform service make sure you do your research regarding your ACP’s and also have the time available to be able to commit. As soon as you go into uniform, expectations are that you will do x or y rather than can you do x or y