Application of NCO

For as long as ive been in the ATC ive aspired to be a corporal and have always pushed myself to be the best version of myself i can be. Applications are open and i looked at the form. But from the category i have 3 things not done; leading cadet,camp of 5 days, and havent served for 18 months and arenot yet 14.
However being promoted would mean the world to me and I have done so much to show that Im worthy. And i know i shouldnt stress about it right now, but i am really passionate about this.

But i dont know wether or not i should apply or even can apply due to the standards i failed. Please can someone help me out on this?

Thankyou so much in advance

Depends if you squadron will let you apply, thats up to them. There’s such a mix in what different squadrons allow.

You can always go for it, maybe you won’t get it, but it’s good practice and puts your hat in the ring. But my advice is don’t rush into things.

Enjoy your time as a Cadet Cadet, it’s more fun than it seems sometimes and its a good idea to get some more experience under your belt. Your first camp being as an NCO can be a completely different experience.

Out of interest, despite it meaning the world to you, why specifically do you want to be promoted?

I want to be able to help people and teach people and guide other cadets, and i want to gain more from life anx develop as a person. I think being promoted would really contribute to that.

If you’re new yourself, how would you guide others? With time comes experience and with experience comes credibility.

Try becoming the best Cadet you can and then when the time is right, you’ll make a great JNCO :slight_smile:

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You do make a great point
However im mainly hoping to put my name down and gain experience but i dont even know if im applicable in the first place. Beinf a corporal means a lot but maybe this time i should just get my name out there and learn but being able to apply is the main part
Would I be able to?

For me a large part of an application process is being able to read the criteria, its a huge annoyance when recruiting if you advertise a position and people who aren’t eligible apply and it takes time to sift through applications…

But… my dad did always tell me, whats the worst that can they can say… no.

Perhaps, apply, let your OC know that you understand you dont meet x,y,z but you’d still like the opportunity to apply/interview etc. At the end of the day its all good experience

Im going to talk to a few ncos on my squadron and seek their advice, and if i get the green light then i will talk to staff about it. Thanks for this.

How about speaking to your staff. Accept that you can’t be promoted yet but ask if you can go through the process. Your squadron has set the standards that need to be met (which don’t seem unreasonable) and I would avoid trying to sidestep this. You’re young enough to wait this one out but there is no harm in being keen.

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Express interest, and ask for ways you can develop so you are in a strong position when eligible. Maybe some criteria, such as age, aren’t flexible. But it never hurts to show you are interested.

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I agree with all the above advice, but bear in mind thatyou are still quite new to the organisation, and that, as a NCO, you would have responsibility for other cadets - not just at your Squadron, but jthroughout the Corps. For this youu need Leadership skills and experience. As you are only a First Class cadet, i don’t think that you would hsve the support of older and more senior cadets.
You musto learn t walk before you can run.
Enjoy your time as a cadet - the transition to Cpl is a very big step - your Staff should let you know when you are ready.
It sounds as though you will make a good NCO, but an NCO role isn’t for everyone !

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Many cadets and ncos say id make a great corporal, but maybe i will wait a year before taking so much responsiblity and even though i want it i think its best i wait. However my plan is to get the green light from people and talk to staff about wanting to apply for experience and to get my name known. I think the experience i would get makes it valuable anyway and Im aware im incredibly unlikely to be promoted, but as ive said, at least I’ll know for next time what I need to improve ect. And that right now is my goal. But i also need to know from people wether it is acceptable at all to apply, as i havent git 4 things on the criterea. I need genuine answers telling me wether i should or shouldnt do this.

Thankyou for the advice so far

I’m not sure I understand the reference to classifications here. Although it’s called ‘Leading Cadet’, the syllabus doesn’t include anything to do with leadership. Surely a leadership PTS badge is more relevant than the cadet’s classification?

In my view the classification relates more to the time served on the Squadron and the basic knowledge gained - I would agree that a Leadership badge would be more relevant, but not all cadets have the same opportunities to attend courses, classifications are open to all.