ap1358c updated

All please see Ultilearn for the latest AP1358C update.

Looking at the new regs. Should a cadet pass ACLC, then JLs, then QAIC, would they now put their ACLC badge back on?

This isn’t a hypothetical question either.

Why is it on Ultilearn. For the LOVE OF GOD that is what Sharepoint is for.

Bangs head on wall

I would guess that the reason is that - in theory - everyone in the ATC has access to Ultilearn, whereas only staff have access to Sharepoint.

But IMO every* document should be on Sharepoint, and then mirrored if required on Ultilearn.

*Protectively marked aside

I know we’ve gone around this buoy before…by why the whole ‘Nyer! Nyer! Only staff can wear GPJs! Blerrr!’ attitude?

It’s just a jacket. Either everyone should be allowed them or nobody should be allowed them.

I don’t suppose a really kind person with more time than me could summarise the changes? I’m not sure life isn’t too short to look through…

And I completely totally agree about Ultifail vs Sharepoint.

All of the changes have been marked in red with underline, so it makes easy skimming material tmmorris :slight_smile:

[quote=“tango_lima” post=7823]I know we’ve gone around this buoy before…by why the whole ‘Nyer! Nyer! Only staff can wear GPJs! Blerrr!’ attitude?

It’s just a jacket. Either everyone should be allowed them or nobody should be allowed them.[/quote]

No offence but im sick of hearing this the book says no so no.

When I joined the RAF AC’s couldnt wear them never mind Cadets

If Cadets or staff get so hung up about a jacket they really nee to take a hard long look at life

If you take that attitude towards a jacket, then why not just let them wear them? I think that’s Tango_lima’s point.

Its simple the regs say no so thats what we go by its not the jacket I have a problem with its the breaking of dress regs without them we might aswell become scouts

[quote=“zinggy” post=7849]Its simple the regs say no so thats what we go by its not the jacket I have a problem with its the breaking of dress regs without them we might aswell become scouts[/quote]I don’t think anybody is advocating breaking the regs; just changing the regs.

The problem is that when people say just let them wear it thats what most of them do I see it all the time sqn’s letting Cadet NCO’s wear them because “its just a jacket” If it were to change then yes fair one but what are the chances of that?

It got changed for SNCOs…

What gets me is the crowing tone from some staff, as if the thing was some coveted badge of office. I don’t get why such a huge amount of energy seems to be expended on stopping cadets from wearing something that is just a jacket.

The justification in the AP seems to be that it’s an alternative to the foul weather jacket, which it isn’t…they serve different purposes…and VRT get issued both…

I get the fact that once in the mists of time they were something a bit special and kept for after trade training etc…but nowadays everyone gets issued them and most seem to wear them in preference to the jersey.

It got changed for SNCOs…

What gets me is the crowing tone from some staff, as if the thing was some coveted badge of office. I don’t get why such a huge amount of energy seems to be expended on stopping cadets from wearing something that is just a jacket.

The justification in the AP seems to be that it’s an alternative to the foul weather jacket, which it isn’t…they serve different purposes…and VRT get issued both…

I get the fact that once in the mists of time they were something a bit special and kept for after trade training etc…but nowadays everyone gets issued them and most seem to wear them in preference to the jersey.[/quote]

Probably because there isn’t enough to go around for the cadets, and cadets are worse amongst their piers for “crowing” about kit as you put it.

Not only availability in terms of enough to go round, but also size. The fun we have kitting some of the more diminutive 13 year olds with the basics and DPM, does anyone really think in the current climate the RAF is going to make loads of small GPJs?
OK this doesn’t get around differences for staff ie VR(T) and SNCOs, but then dress regs over the years have never been the place to find a rational thought process or cast iron thinking.
Personally if a uniform item is mentioned in the regs then it should be issued in line with gender requirements, and lose the “private purchase” optional items. This would get around the designed in differences between adults (let alone cadets) and problems/crowing that this engenders.

In general as said the GPJ is only a jacket and it has it’s own nonsense in terms of the zip opening, that only the most anally retentive/bored could really get excited about.

[quote=“Operation Nimrod” post=7863]
Probably because there isn’t enough to go around for the cadets, and cadets are worse amongst their piers for “crowing” about kit as you put it.[/quote]

But they’re kids…when adults start doing it, it’s weird…

And there are loads of the things out there. For some reason I have three in my house and never need to wear any of them, do you want one?

Don’t have access to Ultilearn at the moment, could anyone summarize the changes?


[quote=“James.S” post=7881]Don’t have access to Ultilearn at the moment, could anyone summarize the changes?


No. There are quite a few and held in context to chapters so posted alone would be confusing.

[quote=“James.S” post=7881]Don’t have access to Ultilearn at the moment, could anyone summarize the changes?


There a quite a few items and chapter specific but it just has corrections of wording, new pictures, much better guide for the brassard with proper measurements, confirms that Officers can wear Greatcoates. Mentions that if you are yet to complete ATF either Officer or NCO you are to wear a white tab with the appropriate pin. There the main amendments I have noted…

These new white tabed SNCO’s… What do we address them as? Any idea?